a demon inside me?

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me: aagghhhh, iiim soooooo booorrred!

everyone: us too you know

me: so what you guys wanna do while gary is cleaning up all of the broken glass thats been cause by his horrible singing

gary: hey my singing rocks

me: in your dreams you creep, and miss a spot( point to another pile of broken glass)

gary: ok thats it i had it with you and this game!

ash: gary no don't do it!

gary: shut up ashy boy, and you kit i had it first you make the girls beat my handsome face and throw to a volcano, you mother f###er!

serena: he crossed the line there

may: yep( looks at me) uhhhh you guys

everyone except gary: ( looks at me)

everyone look at me and they saw a little red aura coming out 

me: you cross the line  oak( demonic voice)

gary soon realized his mistake and he's getting scared to death

gary: w-w-what?( scared)

me: no one calls me that and you know what, i think i do have something to do! its to rip you to shred and i'm the author in this book so you dont want to piss me off or my demon will eat you   

gary: what demon 

me:  well let me show you ( begins to transformed)

me:  well let me show you ( begins to transformed)

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everyone: what the hell!

me: do you want to say that again gary? i dare you ( demonic voice)

gary:( scared as hell) n-n-n-n-no sir i wont say it ever again!

me: (changes back) good now that we have an understanding

i notice the others that they look at me with shocked and scared expression

me: oops

drew: what the hell did you turn into!?

ash: the hell man you have a demon inside you!?

serena:  are you a demon!?

paul: i think we need an explaination.

me: no you don't ( i snap my finger  to remove their memory on what they just saw even gary)

everyone except me: what happened?

me: nothin happened, so you guys want to watch a movie?

everyone: yeah!

me: except you gary you still have to clean up the glass

gary: oh man!

may: serves you right gary that what you get by singing so horribly.

gary: hey! my singing is good

may: even a snorlax can't stand your singing( hits gary)

gary: ow!

me: enough gary get back to cleaning the glass

gary: loser

me: i heard that( throws a knife near gary)

gary: i-im going to clean the rest of the glass( leaves)

ash: sometimes you scare me kit

everyone: us too

me: maybe you all should, anyways have you guys scene the deadpool movie

everyone except drew and misty and me: nope

misty: i like that movie! lets go watch it

drew: its one of the best movies

me: okay let watch it.  so dont forget to leave a truth or dare i the caomment and see you guys in the next chapter. bye

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