Acciental Emotions: Prologue

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Why is everything so dark?....

What the hell happened?....

Where am I anyway?...

And where's Al?...

Geeze my head hurts... Oh... That's right. Mustang took me out drinking with the guys from the office. Well that at least explains why all I can smell is booze...

It's cold, I'm soaked and I can hear the rain and feel the wind so I'm certainly outside...

"Excuse me...Are you alright? You know, you'll drown if you lie down face first on the pavement like that while it's raining. Let me help you."

That's a girls voice... Damn I ache like a bitch... Hmm... It is a girl... With an umbrella too. Doesn't hurt to accept.

"Whats wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

I know she's smiling but with the rain and this headache I can't see a thing... And why can't I answer her...? Urgh... That's her hand... Geeze my automail is buggered... But she's taken it... I can't help but feel oddly safe with her.


Set after the conqueror of Shambala, Ed has made some new friends on this new world. The irony that one of the people who've clung to him is Roy Mustang's double should have warned him not to go drinking with him on his twentieth birthday. Unfortunately he did and has ended up in an unknown remote city, alone and has also lost his voice. All he has on him to show any identification is his pocket watch, which he fixed when he started studying science to try to figure out why Alchemy didn't work in this world. It seems that everywhere Ed has become known for his intellect... well... everywhere but here in this backwater city full of violent morons.

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