Chapter Eight : Inspiration

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Clary POV

I could hear people yelling all around me. I couldn't open my eyes. I just felt a burning feeling spread through my entire body. It was the worst at my shoulder.

I wanted to scream and shout. But I felt like my mind was detached from my body. I heard Simons voice. Simon, I missed him. I wanted to hug him. My Big brother, well my vampire brother , he was still really close to me.

I tried to open my eyes a thousand times. I heard Izzy, Alec, and Jace all around me. I could imagine where everyone was. I think they were treating me.

Then there was silence. I felt so alone. I wanted Jace to come and sit next to me, to hold my hand. To encourage me. But he wouldn't, after he cheated on me, I doubt he would.

I heard someone open the door and walk towards me. It was loud steps, but they were slow, the person sat down next to me and took my hand.

It was warm, for a minute I thought it was Jace. I felt so happy for a minute, but then Alec spoke.

"Hey Clary " He said, to himself.

"You probably can't hear me." He added.

"Just came to check on you. You'll be okay. Jace isn't doing to well, he hasn't eaten, slept or anything. He's just been in the library. You have to wake up for Jace, Clary . He still cares about you. " He said the words softly , like it hurt him that his brother was in pain.

Wait Alec, don't tell me that! I don't want to hurt Jace. I would never hurt Jace. He might have hurt me. But I'd never do that to him. Tell him I'm okay Alec! Tell him I'm okay!

He let go of my hand and left, his steps were fast this time. He left me thinking about Jace. I still loved Jace, but I was afraid that he'd hurt me again.

He'd told me that loved me. I know he was telling the truth. I could see it in his eyes , he looked very sincere. I just want to know if he still feels that way.

But I can't do that if I'm stuck in this bed unconscious. The burning comes and goes. I think it's night. The institute gets cold and very quiet at night.

The burning is spreading again. It's worse this time. I want to scream but I can't. I slowly drift away, feels like I'm falling of to sleep. 

Jace's POV

We all went back to the infirmary to check on Clary. She was still breathing, to my relief. I walked over and sat on the chair next to her. I was going to take her hand. But decided not to.

My head was in my hands and I sat there alone. She started screaming and throwing her arms around everywhere. I didn't know what to do, she looked like she was in pain.

Izzy came running, she ordered me to hold Clary's arms down and she gave Clary a sort of soup. It smelt delicious. Clary was still screaming on top of her lungs. She stopped after ten minutes of just screaming. Alec came and just sat there, we knew we couldn't do anything.

I left after an hour and went to my room. I couldn't sleep. I heard Clary screaming again. I ran at top speed to the infirmary and sat down next to her. I picked her up and cradled her head. She stopped screaming and went unconscious.

Izzy and Alec came running after I put Clary back down. They looked super tired. I told them I'd stay with her for the night. They agreed and left. I walked to the empty beds next to Clary and picked up a few pillows and a blanket. I put the pillows everywhere, for cushioning.

I went to my room and picked up three books, my stele , my witchlight and a few blades. I put my stuff on the night stand and sat down. The chair was oddly comfortable.

I kept a lamp on and put my witchlight on the night stand too. So the infirmary was well lit. I fell asleep twice but couldn't stay asleep.

In the early parts of the morning, I decided to read a bit. I pulled a book and read for hours. I only stopped when I wanted to drink some water.

The sun began to rise so I got up, stretched and walked to a window. I was on the second floor so the sunrise was breathtaking. I stared at it for a few minutes and turned around to look at Clary.

When I turned, a pair of green eyes were looking at me. I almost jumped. She smiled, seeing my reaction. I smiled back and went to clear up my chair and her night stand. 

She watched me as I layed the bed next to her and picked up my books. I looked at her again and she was still smiling widely at me.

"You okay? " I asked. 

"Perfectly fine." She replied, her voice cracking. Probably from the screaming.

She tried to sit up but gave a little squeak and scrunched her face up. I quickly put my books down and went to help her. She layed back down and I realised she was holding my hand tightly. She took hold of it when I was helping her lay down. 

She was squeezing it tightly and she looked like she was in pain. She slowly loosened her grip and opened her eyes. She didn't let go immediately, instead she looked at me and I saw tears in her eyes.

I wiped them away and smiled. She smiled back. The pain probably came back because she squeezed my hand so tight her knuckles where going white.

"Breathe Clary " I said.

She shook her head and didn't let go of my hand. It kept going for a while. By the end of it she had tears streaming down her face. I was sitting next to her on her bed and I got up to get a tissue for her but she didn't let go of my hand.

"Clary." I said.

She looked at me.

"Do you need a tissue?" I asked.

She shook her head.

I sat back down and she closed her eyes. She probably fell of to sleep because her breathing became heavy and slow. She would occasionally squeeze my hand and then slowly loosen her grip. I took a pillow from the bed next to us and put it behind me so that I could lay back.

I fell asleep with a peaceful, for the time being, Clary holding my hand.

Authors note:

Hey there. Sorry for any mistakes. Please comment thoughts and requests. Update soon. Thanx for reading his far :)

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