Chapter Seven: Jennie & Jimin

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The girls were all asleep except for Jennie. She rattled around in her bed.  Rose had left the dorm 45 minutes ago. Jennie found herself being worried and overthinking the possible problems Rose could have while being out so late. Jennie looked at her blank ceiling and thought about Rose. She knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep knowing Rose was gone. 

She remembered Rose telling her the full details and plans to meet him at The Han River. However, She didn't know Jungkook or BTS, but she had her protective instinct on. 

She finally bounced out of her bed. She put on her shirt and jeans. She quickly moved but avoided making a lot of noise. She didn't want to wake up Jisoo or Lisa. She put on her hoodie and quickly left the dorm. 


Jennie walked along the Han River searching for any signs of Rose. Their dorm was near the area. Her goal was to find Rose and bounce quick. 

She kept her hood on and from the back it gave her a boyish look. The dark night was spooky. Being out alone at such a late hour, gave her the chills. However, she was known to be admired for her charismatic braveness. 

And they say chivarly is dead. 

After 15 minutes passed by, she was walking farther away from the dorm. 

"C'mon.... Where are you Rose?" Jennie shivered. 

***Sounds of leaves crunching

Jennie swished her head back quickly and scanned behind her. She squinted her eyes and took out her flashlight that beamed from her IPhone.

"Who's there??" She demanded. 

**Leaves crunching

"I'm serious! Show yourself! Rose, I swear if this is a sick joke. It's not funny." Jennie cried out. 

She kept her flashlight held up high and stood there with her teeth chattering coldly. After a brief moment of standing there. She slowly turned around and kept walking. She kept her awareness alerted. She wasn't afraid kicking some ass. Her father taught her exactly what to do if someone tried to ambush her. 

The sounds of footsteps were luring closer to her. As she walked faster, the footsteps were coming faster. Suddenly, Just like that, a hand touched her right shoulder. 

Out of reflex, she grabbed the person's hand that was placed on her shoulder and twisted the wrist as hard as she could. 

"HOW DARE YOU!"  She hollered as she easily twisted his wrist and pulled him toward the ground.


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