Chapter 1

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Me and Lucas have been friends, since we would both 5 years old, and now we are 16 years old, everyone is always teasing us about being more than just friends, even thought  me and Lucas are really close, we only see each other as friends, and that's the way it's onlys been, since we would 5 years, I also had another friend and her name is Riley, Riley was a good friend of mine, but Lucas was my best friend

I was sitting down on my couch, just watching tv, Lucas said he had to go to Basket Ball practice, so I decided to just watch tv, I was right in the middle of a episode of Stanger Things, when I heard a knock on the door, so I got up, and then I opened the door, Lucas was standing there, and jumped up and hugged him, I didn't like to be alone and my mom was always working and I didn't have a dad, so Lucas and me would hang out a lot

Hey, Lucas, so had was practice, Lucas: It was the same as usually, the coach was yelling at us, and he really worked us, Lucas and me then toke a seat next each other, Lucas: So want to you want do today, Maya: You want to go shopping, I said really excitedly, Lucas: I saw how excited  Maya was, so I couldn't just say no to her, Lucas: Sure, Maya: Yeah , she grabbed my arm and she pulled me to her car and we hopped inside her car

Lucas: Maya, was a really good friend, she could be wild sometimes, but that really bother me, I guess I was used to Maya's wild side, she was really tough when I first her, she was always keeping up her walls, but I taught her, that it was ok to take her walls down, and over the years she been more relaxed, then we arrived at the mall, and of course, Maya grabbed my arm and we started running towards the mall

We entered the mall, and Maya started running inside a shoe ship, she was running really fast, so I had to run really fast after her, by the time we reached the store, I was out of breath, Maya: Out, of breath already, she say laughing, Lucas: Ha, Ha, very funny, Maya: You got beat by a girl, you got beat a girl, I sang the couple times to Lucas, just to annoy him, Lucas: Ok, you beat me, now let's at some shoe, Maya: I though you would never ask

I was scanning thought shoes, when I spotted a nice red pair of heels, they had silver gems on them, I went to try them on, what do you know, as I walked back and forth, trying to act like a ran way model, Lucas: Wow, Maya those shoes look great on you, nice run way walk, I while giggling quietly, so Maya couldn't hear me, we went up to the counter and of course I payed, because Maya had money, but not a lot

After that, Maya pointed to a tie store, Maya: Look, Lucas let's go get you something, Lucas: I don't know, Maya: Come on, Lucas, I grabbed his arm, and he trying to stop me, but I was strong, so I grabbed his arm, and I basely dragged him to the tie store, Lucas: I don't want to go to the tie store at first, but when I saw all the ties, I couldn't help myself, I started looking around, Maya: I thought you didn't want to look at ties

Lucas: I guess I changed my mind, Maya: Was it me, I said batting my eyelashes, Lucas: Oh, Maya, then I spotted a tie, that I liked, it was light blue, and it black and white stripes, Lucas: How about this one, Maya: I do like that one, and then I grabbed a few other ties, how about these two I handed him about three pairs, Lucas: I'm not really sure, about the pink one, Maya: Awww, what's wrong, why you afaird that pink is a girl color

I said laughing, Lucas: No, it's just not... Maya: Chicken, I said when dancing a chicken dance, Lucas: Maya! Maya: But, I don't stop, I got doing it, I wanted him to give in, Lucas: I was watching Maya dance around the store, and her chicken dance was getting to me, more and more, Lucas: Fine, I'll get the tie, Maya: I win again, and I started to laugh, as me and Lucas walked to pay for his ties

After we payed for Lucas' ties, we went shopping, and I got several T-shirts, a few pairs of shoes and dresses, and a necklace, Lucas got way less than me, he just got the ties and the a watch, Lucas, had to carry my bags, because I had several bags, and Lucas only had one bag, Lucas: Wow, Maya got a lot more than I though she would, I had to carry most of her bags for her, we loaded the bags up, and then we headed in the car, and I started to drive 

This is my third story that I'm making, I will be making this story and One's Future, at the same time, I will make sure that they are balanced, I hope that you guys like this story, I wanted to make this story different from my other Lucaya story I made, so I really hoped you guys liked this story, and if you have read all three of my books, which one of them is your favorite?

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