Nature's Hello

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I can see the expression on the sun's face,
he's smiling  down on me today.
He told  me about this new place,
I was thinking about going that way.

I heard the wind whisper  to me,
she told me that I was going to be okay.
She said, "Chin up, my darling,
tomorrow is a new day."

The flowers danced  as I strolled by,
I stopped to greet them with a wave.
Nearby I heard the roaring of the ocean,
waves crashing onto the shore.

All around me is nature just saying  hello,
but when you continue to look down at your phone,
you won't know
what nature is trying to say  to you.

Listen closely next time you're outside.
Watch the trees and flowers as they dance.
Listen to the wind whisper  to your soul in the inside.
Don't miss the chance, the chance
to see nature's hello.

In A World Lost to PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now