Regrets and Consequences

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Hey, I'm back! XD So sorry for the wait dudes.

I've been SUPER busy... Damn teachers...

*Grumbles* -_-

ANYWAY! The results have been posted!

I'll tell you my results at the en—Ah fuck it. :b I didn't win nuttin. Not even third place!
T3T Oh well.
:) I'll just try again.



            ‡Chapter Eight‡

★Regrets and Consequences★

-Kenji POV-

I shook my head at the absurdity of the situation at hand. The annoying orange thought it'd be funny to stay outside the whole night to train.

I sighed, the idiot.

So, due to his stupidity and simple-minded behavior, I was out here in the forest searching for his incompetent self. Sasuke and Sakura were accompanying me as well. Haruno was at my right in case I had trouble continuing the search. Though the odds for that happening is not particularly in my favor, I believe I will face no such circumstances this time. I feel that my leg strength has increased sufficiently enough to withstand a petty trip to the woods.

“Have any idea where he might be?” Sakura questioned as we scanned our surroundings.

Sasuke hned, is that the only thing he can say? Does he have some sort of disability? No, he can speak full, proper sentences. When he wants to anyway. I snorted, “Probably the same place he was yesterday. Let's head to our training area.”

The two ninja nodded, I didn't consider myself a ninja. I inwardly laughed, the mere idea would seem utterly ridiculous to my family.

I walked off with Sasuke and Sakura in tow, our sandals making a soft, shuffle kind of noise on the grass. As we neared the area, we heard two voices, one seeming to belong to the annoying orange and the other... I narrowed my eyes. The voice sounded familiar, but I just couldn't find a face.

I shifted a branch away from my face using my arm, I stepped forward and rose an eyebrow. Naruto was talking to a girl, or so I thought, the annoying orange caught sight of me and the other two behind me.

He grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head, “E-Eh, Hey Kenji-chan! Sakura-chan! Teme! I was just talking to—”

He looked at the girl in front of him, silently asking for a name.

The girl smiled, “No need for names, I will be leaving in a couple moments and I doubt we will we meet again.”

Her eyes wandered over to us, recognition spiked in her brown eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared. She gave a soft smile and bowed slightly, the herbs in her basket tilting just a bit. I eyed the types of herbs she carried and stored it for later.

“Someone sick?” I inquired. I was wary, but I made sure to repress that feeling.

The girl's eyes widened a small fraction before she relaxed and laughed gently, “Yes, Jiji-san isn't feeling well these days. My grandmother is too busy with other chores to attend to his needs.”

I nodded, giving off the impression that I was satisfied, however, we both knew better.

“Forgive me for making you suspicious, I was merely caught off guard by your question.” The dark haired girl stated sheepishly as she scratched her cheek, an embarrassed blush coating her face.

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