The Paranormal Years

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I'm Baili Anderson. I have to talk fast because they're coming for me. I'm 10 years old and I go to Winsor Hill Elementry School. I just moved to haunted house after my parents got divorced. I live with my mom my sister and my dog. For now that's all I can say they're here.

Chapter 2

It was a warm day in Naomi , Florida. But that immediately changed. It was raining cats and dogs. When we got at the new house. Sydni,my sister,got really creeped out. My dog rimshot, jumped In my arms. And my mom, she was not acting normal. At all. "Hello children let us go inside now." All of a sudden BOOM...crick crick

Chapter 3

The first thing I saw after that was a guy with a fishing hat and spear gun in his hand. Me and sydni both screamed at the same time after he said "I think I got a turtle" then of course we ran in the house. I ran to the biggest room. It was beautiful. Sydni ran in the and hers not so much. When I sat on the bed a girl came over to me and said....... No I can't any more. They're back.

Chapter 4

Ok. Where was I? Oh yea. When I. Sat on the bed the whole room changed. Skeletons hung everywhere and the girl called over another ghost and they both said at the same time "your family will disappear and then we'll take care of you and your dog after that if they don't get you first. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!" They said smiling. Oh no I can hear them again.

Chapter 5

I tried telling syd but she didn't believe me. She just said my imagination was getting to my head. Then I went outside. And I met Kandi. We were bffs. After went inside for dinner and that girl jumped inside of Sydni. She tried choking me but I didn't let her. Then ran to Kandis house. Kandi told me to come in her room where she told me the same thing was happening to her mom and brother. I was freaking out. But then she told me she knew how to stop it."no... way..." " yes way"

Oh Baili. I have to go they're here...aaaaahhhhh......

Chapter 6

After I left I went to my grammas house and checked the calendar. It was three years later. Then everyone I knew was sorounding me with cake and presents saying "happy birthday Baili....


*woke up* *mom comes in*

Baili breakfast time it's last night birthday cake.......aaaaaahhhhhhh...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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