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Bring bring

Bring Bring

Robin spun around in her spinny chair, grabbing the phone as she continued to spin mindlessly. The Survey Corps had managed to hijack the police phone lines years before, and it was Robin's turn to man the lines. Armin, of course, also had to tag along, but he was given no task. Instead, he just sat there in his normal and boring chair watching Robin spin in her wheely chair.

"Hello there~ 911 here, what's your problem?"

"Um, hi, um..." a small feminine voice spoke softly. "I'm being stalked by a bunch of men in a big black car on Jefferson Street." Alertly, Robin ceased spinning and typed furiously into her computer.

"And where are you right now?" the brunette asked.

"Hiding in a bathroom at Panda Express."

"We'll be there in a minute. Hold on, mmkay?" Hanging up, Robin pressed a red button that was connected to a microphone as she pressed 'Send' in an email she was typing to Erwin. A small beep signified that the sound was being broadcasted, and Robin held the device up to her lips. "Squad Hanji, please report your asses down to Commander Erwin's office for a mission immediately." Lifting her finger from the button, she resumed spinning in circles on the wheely chair. Armin twiddled his thumbs and stared down at the floor, clearly thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" Robin raised her eyebrow at the blonde, causing him to slightly jump.

"I-It's nothing." he replied quickly. Robin gave him one of her 'are you fking kidding me right now' faces. "I was just thinking.... You're acting rather, well, unprofessional in these circumstances." Robin grinned.

"That's the fun of it."

"But aren't you nervous?" Armin asked.

"Nervous of what?"

"Hanji's squad was just dispatched."


"If we get another call, then Squad (Y/N) will be dispatched."


"They've hardly been training at all! What if something happened to one of them?" Armin fretted like a mom about to send their kid off to college. Robin just sighed.

"Look, we've all been there. You don't think I'm scared for the lives of my best friend and her squad?" Robin asked. "Besides, it's completely ok. We won't get any more calls-"

Bring Bring

Bring Bring

The two of them stared at the phone.

"Well, shit." Robin muttered, holding the phone to her ear. "911 here, what yo prob?"

As Robin communicated with the caller, Armin speculated the furious tapping of her fingernails against the computer keyboard and the way she nervously bit her lip.

"We'll send someone out there immediately. Please wait patiently."

Hanging up the phone and wheeling over to the microphone, Robin requested for (Y/N) and her squad to report to Commander Erwin's office for their mission. The moment that message was broadcasted throughout the Survey Corps HQ, screams and yells of joy could be heard from Eren and Reiner.

The phone room fell silent.

Bring bring

Bring bring

Robin leaned back in the desk, a groan emitting from her mouth at the sound of the phone ringing yet again. Glancing at a familiar caller ID, she lazily slopped over and held it to her ear.

"Hello, this is 911. What shit have you gotten yourself into now, Levi?"

Armin watched curiously as the brunette's calm look turned into a horrified one, her eyes bulging and fists clenched. It was times like these where only being able to hear and see half the conversation was a pain in the ass.

"You're kidding me?" Robin whispered, her voice heavily lowered. "A... traitor?"

That caught Armin's attention.

"The missions that we're sending the squads on are a set up?" Robin hissed. "Then we'll just stop sending squads!"

Armin could practically hear Levi screeching as Robin held the phone away from her ear. Remembering that the blonde was in the room, Robin motioned for Armin to listen in as she put the device on speaker.

"-can't stop dispatching squads because technically they're still missions, dipshit! The bank isn't being robbed, but someone with an actual weapon made them call the Survey Corps, and that person needs to be caught before they do it again to another bank!" Levi yelled.

"Why the hell are they doing this, tho?!" Robin yelled back. "There has to be some kind of damn reasoning behind it!"

"There is." Levi spoke quietly. "Astia wants revenge on (Y/N) because of their last encounter, and because of this 'traitor' notifying her on the order of the squads being dispatched, she knows how many goose chases she needs to send us on before getting to (Y/N)'s squad. You haven't dispatched her squad yet, right?"

Robin and Armin exchanged horrified looks as the room fell silent.

"We're fucked." Levi whispered.

"Yep." Robin whispered back.

Unity~ Eren x Reader x Levi (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now