Chapter : 1

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|Two Weeks Ago|

After overhearing what happened in detail I had to talk to Cali.

The wind whistled as it passed through my car. I was driving as fast as possible to Cali's house. Once I got there I pounded on her door making sure she heard me.

Unexpectedly her brother answered the door. I pushed past him looking back and forth for Cali. I walked into the living room spotting Cali on the couch.

Cali's brother who apparently following me through the house called to her as I walked up to her.

She turned around and stood up. As soon as I got close to her my hand rose above me and came down across her face as hard as possible.

She looked surprised which I was happy about. Her brother, Kent ran behind me ready to make me leave but she shooed him away.

"Why are you lying about this!" I yelled and she stood there as calm as could be. "Sit down Ana, let's talk about this." She sat and patted the spot next to her.

"Are you serious! You think I want to sit and talk when your falsely accusing my brother of sexual assault, you freaking BITCH!"

She shot up and stepped close to me. "You need to calm down Ana, I think you've gotten much to comfortable with me knowing what I do."

I paused and blinked. Is she really doing this? "Don't you think your parents would much rather deal with what your brother did than what you did?"

"Okay! stop. Just stop." I sat down holding my head in my hands taking a deep breath. My heart sunk in my chest.

Brett doesn't deserve this, my God what is happening right now? How the hell did everything go down hill so fast.

I wanted to help Brett so badly. He would never do what she said he did. How was I supposed to help him with her knowing what I did.

"Why would you do this to me?" I asked her holding my head up making eye contact with her.

"I'm not doing this to you I'm doing this to HIM." She shot.

"But he didn't rape you! I was with you when the cops say it happened!" I yelled and all she did was laugh.

"That's where me keeping your secret comes in, you tell the cops that you were at home and your brother left for a few hours and your secret will be forgotten."

I stood there for a minute in silence.

Her brother walked in looking at me like I was crazy and that sent me over the edge.

My fist balled up and swung towards Cali and right before I made contact her brother caught my arm. I fought against him trying to get to her as Kent drug me to the front door.

"I suggest you think about what we talked about!" She called after me as her brother brought me to my car.

|Present Day|

 The amount of tension in my house is smothering. I picked up the house phone and called my phone number.


"This is my phone, give it back." I demanded and he chuckled. "Now why would I do that?" He asked teasingly.

"Because being a good citizen is fun and rewarding." I said simply trying not to sound sarcastic.

"Really, in what way?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, are you going to give me my phone back or not?" I asked hotly.


I took the phone away from my face and rested my head on the wall containing my annoyance. I brought the phone back to my face.

"On, what?" I said slowly keeping my frustration at bay. "On if you say yes to me asking you out" He stated and I banged my head on the wall.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing. So, if I say no your not going to give me my phone back?"

"Yes." He said simply "Fine I'll go on a date with you." I agreed

"Okay, good I'll meet you to give your phone back at around seven at the mall okay?"

"Yeah." Was all I said and hung up.

"Criminals!" I scoffed under my breath, after an hour or so I grabbed my keys and jacket t leave the house.

My mom came into the hallway, "Where are you going?" She asked curiously, I rolled my eyes, we all know she honestly doesn't care but I like to pretend she does so I answered,

"To stand up a guy who stole my phone" and bounded out of the house to my car and drove off to get my baby back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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