Be careful what you wish for...

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This is earth as it is now just empty, quiet and meaningless, you could also call it a pile of junk. but  it was no were near quiet! earth is now a waste of space that no one wants, if there is any one left that is. i am Izzy baker, no my name ain't fierce and i ain't old either, i am only 15 but yet i get stranded on earth, on my own, for ever!

"Izzy! you will be late for parents evening!" "yes alright mum, for gods sake!" "i heard that, now come on your sisters waiting in the car!" arrgg! i hate parents evening, its always, 'she has been doing well but she could do much better' i am sick of hearing that rubbish! "right, get in the car dear, we don't want to be late for your review, now do we?" " i suppose" "Izzy gana get a bad review!" "shut up Skye!"  "oi you two stop it now or i will chuck both of you out onto the side of the motorway!" she is just saying that, its always Skye that gets away with the crimes, i am telling you that girl could get away with murder! "OK we are hear now Izzy, Izzy? Izzy!" "huh! oh okay" mum tries her best, since dad died she has been all work up over silly things, like yesterday, she didn't put the washing out on the line so she started crying! lol that's how worked up! "Izzy were is your class room, your teacher is expecting us to go there" "you don't say, up the stairs and to the left" "is that it there?" "yep" "Hello" "why hello, you must be Izzy's mum?" "yes, yes i am, is it Okay that i have my  youngest with me?"yes that's fine, will your husband be joining us?" this is a pretty hard situation for my mum, she never copes when people ask! why do they have to be so nosey! "err, no... he err...died, last year..." "oh so sorry!" "well come on then what have you got to say about my darling Izzy?" "well she is very bright, but she has been very naughty and disrupt threw the lessons!" "oh! Izzy! well what do you suggest we can do to stop that?" " well there's only one option really, she needs to be taught how to behave, so... i would say... send her to boarding school!" there was a long pause, i don't want to be sent to bloody boarding school! "WHAT! No way! screw you, screw you and defiantly screw you, you **** teacher!" "Izzy sorry but come back!" " hate parents i wish no one was on this planet! i wish that they just blooming disappeared!" uh oh! this was how it all started!

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