The Strange Light in the Bathroom

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I woke up in a start. I looked down. My book, The City of Fallen Angels was on my blanket. I must have fell asleep when I was reading.

"CHERYL! TIME TO EAT BREAKFAST!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back, "I'm changing!"

I put on a t shirt that said BOOK LOVER and jeans and left my room.

"Eggs and milk for breakfast," my mom said, "I remember that your project is due today."

"Yeah," I replied, "I finished."


After I quickly ate my eggs and drank my milk, I raced upstairs to get my backpack and rushed out the door.

"Bye Mom!" I called. Wendy was sick today, so I didn't have to walk with her to school. All she talks about is if the guys in her class like her or not. She is the weirdest big sister you can ever have. School was only behind my house, so I could just easily walk there in 5 minutes.

"Bye sweetie!" she called back, "Hope you get a fantastic mark on your project!"

I groned when I heard that. My mom always had high expectations. I don't really like school, so I don't really participate much. For example, when my English teacher starts blabbing, I just get out Allegiant and start reading. By the way, don't you just love Tobias? He sounds so cute! Haha.

"Wait up!" a voice cried.

I turned around. It was NIcole running at me AGAIN.

"STOP!" I cried, "You really have to work on your brakes."

"Haha, very funny." she said sarcastically.

"That wasn't a joke."

"Well whatever. Do you think you'll get a good mark on your All About Me project?"

"I think  I did okay. I did write about my favourite books and all."

She rolled her eyes.

"Race you to the school," she said.

"Your on."

I won. When we were in the school. She went into her class and I went into mine. We have different homerooms.

"Good Morning class." my teacher, Mrs. Eve said so called pleasantly.

"Good morning Mrs. Eve," we all chanted.

"Today, the All About Me projects are due. Are any of you not done?" said Mrs. Eve.

No one raised their hand. I gave a sigh of relief. Usually it was me who was the only one who raised my hand for incomplete work.

"Alright then. Hand it in on this desk,"she said pointing to the empty desk who belonged to no one, "Hurry up, we have work to do."

Everyone got up and put their poster on the desk. My classmates gave me weird looks when they saw my poster. I guess they were so fascinated about Percy Jackson on my poster.

"Nice shirt," my friend, Ellen muttered sarcastically, "Does that mean I can call you a nerd?"

"Oh shut up," I reply, "Reading books don't mean I'm a NERD. I'm a FANGIRL."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." she replied.

I went back to my seat angrily. If anyone else makes fun of me being a fangirl, I will get my revenge. Suddenly, I needed a break. I raised my hand.

"Yes Cheryl?" asked Mrs. Eve.

"Can I go to the washroom?"

"I don't know, can you?"

The whole class snickered.

"Shut up," I thought.

"MAY I go the washroom then?" I asked fighting off my anger.

"Yes you may, come back quickly."

I was so relieved I could finally go. I walked to the end of the hallway where the bathroom was.

Suddenly, I saw this faint green light glowing from the bathroom.

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