Genesis 28 -- 30

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Ch 28: 20 -- 22 Jacob made a vow.

I have a question : if people make a vow to God, but they can't keep their promise, will God punish them? If God put a heavy penalty on those who can't keep their promise, I doubt whether He is a loving God.

Ch 29 The story about Jacob married Rachel.

Here Jacob had to work 14 years for Leban in order to get married with Rachel. If I were Jacob, it would be impossible and unacceptable for me. Waiting for seven years, and another seven years was a long long period. Also Laban broke his promise first, so Jacob did not have the responsoibitlity to keep his words. The only explanation for Jacob's act is he really loved Rachel, so he was willing to do anything to obtain her.

What is my goal which I am willing to use all my might to pursue?

Ch 30

The former part is a confusing situation. To raise their status, Rachel and Leah tried all the methods to increase the number of children, like let their maidservants be Jacob's wives. My immediate response is how come this happened!!!

The later part is about how Jacob to become wealth and strong.

Above is part of my bible reading today. Thank God for letting me finish it.

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