Chapter 21

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Alli POV
Me & Charles grabbed a few things, & headed off in the car!
I went to go to the drivers seat & Charles said
"Ah ah ah, no, get in the passenger seat please my queen" he said lovingly
"Haha, babe, come on, I'll drive there & you drive back" I said
"No, I want you to stay relaxed & chilled for the sake of our baby" he said

We swapped seats & headed to McDonald' 24 hour drive through! After that we took a little stroll down to a nearby park!

Charles POV

Me & Alli are  walking through a park, at like 3 am, we took a little break & it's very dark & I said to Alli
"Not gonna lie babe, I feel really scared"
"Don't worry babe"
I felt a little relieved, both Alli & I sat down & reflected on our relationship...

"It's funny right, like how despite getting divorced, meeting other people, you getting remarried again, then divorced again, destiny still brought us together again" Alli said

"Yeah, you're right, you know, when I tried to fix things by doing that Q&A with Allie Wes, I really thought you would have forgiven me, but you still didn't, & after going up & above at events trying to talk & set things right, I had come to the conclusion to unfollow you again on social media, I knew you stopped caring" I said

"Yeah, I was very nasty for not giving you another shot at being friends, I guess after all the divorce crap, I found it hard to heal, hence why I had so much bitterness & like you said, I did stop caring, after the divorce although I was having fun with my life, I was never truly happy, I went through mild forms of depression, stopped uploading on a schedule, had no motivation & at the time, I don't know why I reacted like that, I guess I was hurt" Alli said

"I know, not gonna lie, I did always sting when you would never follow back" I said

"Mmmm, I know" Alli said sympathetically

"We both did things we regretted, especially me Alli, but now it's time to look forward" I said

Alli leaned in for a kiss 😘

We headed back to the car & started driving again

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