Ages ago.....

375 10 1

Jessica Daniel

Amidst the heavy rain ,I'm stuck near the roadside grocery with my little brother shivering due to the cold weather .Not because of the rain but here I'm ,waiting for my bestfriend .
"Aren't we returning yet jess "
"Just wait a little more ,she will be here soon ,I swear" I replied with an assuring smile to my brother.
The weather seems to have blessed me with a cold wind in addition to my patience in waiting for Alexia.Gosh I really want to kill her ! This girl as usual don't know to keep her promise .

"So you have to drop by near the grocery Alex dear OK know I regret myself last year too much for not giving you any gift on your birthday "
"Baby girl you don't have to do it ,all that I want is for you to remember me that's all .And I will drop there exactly at 2 so be there OK ...I love you my candy " Alexia

Ohhhh holy crap! The rain is heavier this time and she is not here at and it's past 2:30 .
As I was shrugging myself away from the cold wind a car stop by and guess who comes out ....
"Jess darling I'm so so so sorry that I couldn't make it in time" Alexia says as she comes towards me with an umbrella and hug me .
"Ohhh so you are with jack " she told me as she ruffle my Lil brother's hair with her usual cute grin.

" Stop your blabbering girl,now accept this"I smack her hand give her a wrapped box
"So are you mad at me now Jessica Daniel ?" She asked me with a pout .
"Of course yes and maybe why should I" I replied coldly not looking towards the other side
"Hey hey don't be like that ,BTW I'm with one friend and we are returning together at the school and I'm sure you won't like to meet him because he is a he not a she" Alex told me patting my head

"So what ?May be he is more than a friend and may be he is more important to you than me" again replied with a cold shoulder
"Errr no way he is one fun guy and to be clear he is a one big brain .....maybe you should meet him right now to confirm it " she winked at me and I shrugged it off

"Well I hope for the best !"as usual replied her .
She called him waving her hand and there he comes with a wide grin towards us
" James Mendesand you are jess errr Jessica right?" he asked as if we have met earlier .
"Yeah Jessica Daniel and here is my brother Jack ,nice meeting you James" I return with a smile.
"So baby girl I think it's better for us to apart ,departure is at 3:30 and once again I'm really sorry ." Alexia assured me with her old trick and she was kissing jack on his cheeks .

"OK do take care and call me when you reached there " I hugged for the last time and "you too James ...take care!"

"Thanks and one thing to say are beautiful jess and hope that we can be friends too"
Goosebumps!!!! Goosebumps is all that I get in his remark
"Hahaha you are not the first one who noticed that James ,she is the ice princess with looks and brain in St.Anthony"again I blushed and my face reddened with Alex's comment.
" Stop it Alex!And yes we are friends James ....happy journey to both of you"I smiled at them
They both bid me goodbye and get inside the car but James ,he looked towards me from the car and give me a wide smile waving his hands .All that I could do is to wave my hand back .
"Let's go before I get old Jess" jack reminded me .

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