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I woke up around 11:30 to Kian walking in Jc's room. Jc started to roll over and stopped once he realized I was there and he freaked out for a second. Once he remembered what happened last night he was okay. "Dude, you just got scared by someone who's like half your size and she didn't even do anything." "What do you want, Kian?" "I was coming to wake you guys up. Everyone else will be here soon so I figured you wouldn't want to be in bed together when they got here." "Oh... okay." Jc said and Kian left the room. "Last time I was in here you had to help me untie my top... I think you called it 'torture'." I said and smirked. "You heard that?" "Yes I did. I thought it was funny." I said and he hit me with a pillow. "Why were you listening to my conversation?" "Why were you being so loud? And why was it torture? Did you like it?" I asked and winked, laughing right after. "What do you think?" "Hmmmmm...... I could always test it and find out." "Test it how?" "You'll just have to wait and see." I said and plopped down on his bed, wrapping up in the blankets. He got out of the bed and I rolled to see where he was going and he scooped me up out of his bed and carried me down the stairs. He started to go to the pool. I knew where he was going and I started squirming. "JC! PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed and started squirming. I saw Kian with a camera filming us and Jc stopped at the edge of the pool. "JC! I have my phone! Put me down!" I yelled and he hurried to put me down. I acted like I was reaching for my phone and shoved him into he pool. On his way in he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. Once we both resurfaced and smiled at me and I stuck my tongue out. He swam towards me and hugged me to him. "Gross." I said and tried to squirm away. "Liz." "What?" I asked and stopped moving, looking at him. He smiled at me, with his big, goofy smile and kissed me. "WOOOHOOO!" I heard and we both pulled away. We looked and saw all the guys crowded in the doorway. I looked and Jc and started laughing. He let go of me and I swam to the edge of the pool, lifting myself out while Romeo brought me a towel. "Thanks." I said and took it from him. My sweatpants were completely soaked and like slipping off of me. "Jc, come here please." I said and he got out, running over to me. "What?" I unwrapped my towel and put one corner in one of his hands and turned him away from me and put the other corner in his other hand, so to put it easier the towel was stretched out and he was facing away from me. "If any of you look, you're dead." I said and slipped off my sweatpants and tank top. I quickly took the towel back from Jc and wrapped it around myself. H turned around as I picked up my soaked clothes and his face was priceless. "Why did you do that?" "My clothes were soaked and falling off anyways. Besides this is more comfortable." I said and walked past Jc into the house. I walked into Jc's room and changed my underwear and bra for a matching set and stole one of his t-shirts. Just as it fell in place Jc opened the door. "Well, hi there." I said and his face went bright red. "I didn't realize you'd be changing in here he said as I slipped my shorts on. "Well, yeah. All my stuff is in here." I said, buttoning them like this was completely normal. "Is that my shirt?" He asked and I looked down. "Yeah. It's comfy." I said drying my hair with a towel. "Well, I'm going to change." "Go right ahead." I said and smirked. His expression made me double over. "I'm joking, Jc. Calm down." I said and started to walk past him. "Nice timing by the way. Any sooner and who knows what you would've seen." I said and walked out.


She is such a freaking tease. I didn't think about her being in my room to change but when I walked in and she was in my shirt and some tiny lacy undies. Oh my god. Then she just finished getting dressed like it was normal. The amount of things I wanted to do right in that situation was a bit ridiculous. So I need to wear something that hides a boner. Cool. I changed and situated myself so it wasn't as noticeable. When I walked out Liz was sitting on the kitchen counter drinking something with a straw in between her teeth. Is she trying to drive me crazy? It's working if she is. She looked at me and smiled with that damn straw still between her teeth. She put the cup down and kept talking to Kian. I walked in and saw everyone else in there too. "So, what's up with the make out in the pool?" Sam asked and Liz looked at me with bright red cheeks. "To be determined." She said when I just stared at her. We haven't really talked about anything but I like her so who knows what's gonna happen. We were all just chillin, Romeo showed Liz the finished product for the tattoo she wants. "Romeo! It's perfect!" She said, hugging him and squealing. "I'm glad you like it. But Kian is coming tomorrow to get some new ink if you wanna come with him we can do your first tattoo." He suggested and she smiled so wide. "Absolutely." She said and hugged him again. She looked at the clock across the room and her face changed. "Shit! I need to get ready!" She yelled and ran up the stairs to my room. I followed her up stairs and she was ripping through her bag looking for her makeup. "It's like 1:30. You don't have to be there for 3 hours." "I need to be ready to leave by like 3:30." She said and I nodded. I went back down stairs and we all waited while she got ready. "Trevor!" She yelled and he went up the stairs to my room. "What does she need him for?" Sam said and I shrugged. Around 3:15 Trevor came back down the stairs. "Now presenting the beautiful, the talented, the probably gonna get fucked by Jc soon, Liz!" "Trevor! Not appropriate!" Liz yelled, coming down the stairs. She looked amazing. Her hair was curled and her face looked different. Her dress fit just right and ugh. She's killing me.

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