[1] 100 Good Deeds - How it Started

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100 Good Deeds

Chapter One - How it Started

I strolled through the crowd. There was a surprisingly large amount of people at this late hour, but I knew the last fireworks of the summer vacation are a big deal.

I put my dark hood over my head and walked toward the sparkling candles cart. I had been there earlier today, setting up my prank, so I knew where to go.

At a quarter to twelve, I made it to the cart and sat down on the park bench beside it. There was a tradition in this town to light the sparkling candles at exactly midnight, while the fireworks went off.

As midnight struck, and the first fireworks were set off. The people lit their sparkling candles, and I waited. I set my sights on a father and his little daughter. She held the candle as she sat on his shoulders. Her face gleamed with delight. As the light burned more and more of the candle, it got closer and closer to the middle. I almost stood up from my seat in excitement.

And suddenly-POP!

A small explosion, completely harmless, popped from the little girl's candles. The father jumped, almost dropping her and she began to cry. People yelled in panic as their candles popped, and threw them as far away as possible. The park began to look like a meteor shower.

At first I tried to hold in my laughter, and then it came out really hard. I was almost on the floor by the time the cart set on fire.

That's right, in all the panic someone threw the candle onto to cart and it caught on fire!

I was laughing so hard people began to stare, and I had to get out of there. As I ran away from the fire, park police and volunteer firemen ran toward it. That prank was definitely making it to the books.

* * * * * * * * * *

The next morning, as I sat down in the kitchen waiting for my bread to toast, I checked the newspaper. The front page had a picture of the burning cart from last night's festival. I almost choked on my juice as I saw it. The headline; A Prank Gone Too Far.

I read on to find out that no one was injured, but the scare apparently 'ruined the festival'. Jeez, these people were too soft. But I had made it into a real newspaper! Well not exactly me, but my prank! Well not exactly my actual prank, but what lead came from it! This was seriously exciting, a perfect start to an otherwise unfortunate day.

After I got out of the house, and put on my ridiculous new high school uniform, I ran toward the bus stop just down the street. I was supposed to meet Sonya and Terri there. They said something about walking to school on your first day as a high school student with your friends is important, but they did not look pleased when I got there.

"What's wrong?" I asked. They were also wearing the uniforms; navy blue knee socks, blue and grey plaid skirt, a loose, navy blue vest sweater and a white blouse.

"We saw the paper this morning," answered Sonya. Her short, dark brown hair swayed in the breeze. She did not look happy.

"I thought the pranks were just a phase," said Terri. Even for her small size and gentle nature, she used a harsh tone.

I giggled. "Come on guys. It was really funny! For the cart to catch on fire, come on!"

"Someone could have gotten hurt," said Terri.

Sonya sighed. "Blair, we really have no choice with you."

I crossed my arms and starred at them. "What do you mean?"

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