Merry Christmas Time...

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I was quiet the whole time we got ready in the same, little tiny-ass basement room. Yeah there were multiple other dressing rooms but when you're as close as me and Brian, you just don't give a fuck. Brian would constantly bring up that David character. I was tuning most of it out until- "He's in town until Christmas Eve, he wants to meet you!" 

Wait the fuck up.

Excuse me?

I turn and look over at Brian who was about six different colors of beige right now. "Pardon?" I  ask, still holding my red lipstick to my top lip.

Brian rolled his eyes, fuck me, and smiled over at me, fuck me hard. "Well I talk about you all the time." He does? "So he wants to meet the famous Brian McCook!" Ugghh fuck me up. 

I finished applying my lipstick quietly as I processed everything that was said. "Why do you talk about me a lot?" It just blurted out like I had no control. 

Brian- well now at this point it was Trixie- was blending her beige rainbow together and shrugged as she watched herself in our shared vanity mirror. "You're my best friend. I work with you all the time. So of course you're gonna come up in conversation." She spoke so nonchalantly about it my heart almost sunk. 

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah alright. I'll meet the poor bastard." That earned a laugh from Trixie and I never felt more content then at that moment. I started digging trough my bags to pick out the right wig and outfit. "So when does he wanna meet his maker?" I asked, getting another laugh from her. Fuck.

"Uhm.. I think sometime later this week." Trixie stated as she worked on her doll-like eyes. "He's in San Diego on business so he can't really meet until like Friday or something." 

It's Monday..
I have four days.

I decided to pull out a black, woman's pant suit with a black and red button up. As I began stripping and dressing into Katya, I felt her eyes on me. I looked up with the black pants half way up my thighs. "Yes, Barbra?" I ask

Trixie's eyes quickly adverted from my legs up to my face. "Why don't you ever tuck when we do the show?" 

I just shrugged and jumped into the rest of my pants. "I wear pants 99.9% of the time we film any way and It's not like I'm preforming so..." Trixie kept her gaze on me for a little bit longer and then turned back away to finish painting.


After about an hour of waiting on Tracy to finish, we were finally able to sit down in our normal chairs to film our Christmas episode. I was working my way through a Red Bull just as Trixie was finally able to sit down and open the show. "Hi, I'm the letter to you wrote to Santa asking for hands, you couldn't write because you don't have hands- Trixie Mattel!" 

I didn't know what to do after that. I just laughed and stared at my own hands before looking back up at the camera with a straight face. "And I'm Jesus Christ's mother's lawyer and I mean business- Katya." 

The show was running smoothly. Talking about everything from our favorite Christmas songs.. about Satanists Christmas'. But most of all- I got to hear Trixie play her guitar and it gave me chills. I love hearing her play. She began to play 'O Holy Night' and I stared at her, singing in my 'Maureen' voice and she joined in with me. I was in my own world with her until she ruined it. "You know the words?!"

"Of course I do." 

Moments later after I shoved some caramel pop corn in my mouth I looked over at Trixie and was arguing with myself.

You have four days to change his mind- not four months.
Just do it.
It's not like it's the first time.
Fuck it.

I leaned over and got her attention. "Can I have a small kiss for the new years, mama?" I asked with a mouth still full of popcorn. 

She began to lean in before smiling and backing away. "I can't."

"Will you- are you sure?"

"No, you're gonna get red lipstick on me, you know I hate that."

"But we're almost done."

I saw her begin to lean back in slowly and I smiled a little. "I don't know which is worse thing is about kiss you is. Your tongue, your dry mouth, your beard, your red lipstick, your smoker breath or your attitude. " 

She leaned closer and I couldn't help myself. "How about all of the above." I mumble. Right before our lips touch, I stuck out a piece of chewed up popcorn and it touched her lip, she freaked out.

"Ewww, I knew you were gonna try to put food in my mouth!" 

"No, No I'm just tapping at the door to your love. How about you kiss me then I'll swallow." I saw and right after that I get my wish of that kiss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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