Pokemon: Adventures in Nersheus

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who votes and comments!

A/N: Hi everyone, I'm back on wattpad with a new username. And here's my new story-


"Ahhh, my bed is so comfy....." Hayden thought as he lay down. 6'2 and well built, the bed curved under his weight. He sighed. " All my friends, my dorm, my teachers......wait, my teachers,no. All of them, I'll be leaving them."

"But on another note, I'll be getting my FIRST POKEMON! And I might meet my friends on the way, though."

"Uhh, Hayden, it's 2 o'clock in the morning, and I bet no one wants to here a boy screaming."

That was Hayden's friend, Blake. He was like Hayden, well built but a few inches shorter.

"Sorry. Please go back to sleep."

You see, Hayden was graduating from the Nersheus region academy tomorrow. And he was still deciding which two pokemon to take. Here in the Nersheus region, unlike the other regions, you get two starter pokemon, one dragon-type and the other was a mystery.

For the second starter, they would blindfold you, and push you into a room full of pokeballs. Which ever one you pick, that would be your starter. But you could only get first evolution pokemon.


"Hayden Smith!"

Everyone cheered as I made my way onto the platform. I was given my trainer card and a congratulations. Then I my teacher told me to go to the lab.


Hayden POV (sorry for the change only that part^is in third person)

"So Hayden, which dragon pokemon do you want? Bagon, gible or dratini?" Professor Aaron asked me.

I had thought this over. It was between salamence and garchomp. Dragonite...I just felt uncomfortable.

"I'll take Bagon, sir."In the end, I chose salamence because he seemed stronger and he could learn fly. Added bonus.

"Okay, good choice. Now for your second starter."

I felt a cloth wrap around my head and then I couldn't see. The professor-I guess- pushed me into the room. I walked around feeling the pokeballs until I found one that I felt good with. It just felt...right in my hand. Yeah that's the word. I picked it up and felt my way until I found the door. I walked out and I could see light again.

"Okay Hayden, do you want to see your new pokemon?"


"Here, take this and send them both out."

I sent my Bagon out first. It was so cool. It's skin was so shiny, it glinted. This one seemed friendlier than most.

Next I threw my other pokeball in the air. This was the moment. Me, Hayden, an immature 14 year old boy (I KNOW, IM TALL!) will be getting my two starters. The pokeball shot open and in a flash of light and the small, fire pokemon appeared.

My very own Magby, standing right next to me. It was such a small thing, and it still brought me so much joy. It saw me, and raced into my hands. My Bagon walked up to me and rubbed its head against me. And in that moment. I knew these pokemon will bring uncountable amounts of joy into my life along with the other numerous pokemon I will catch. Small or big, fat or thin, slow or fast, ferocious looking or sweet looking, pokemon brought joy to every trainer.

"Both your pokemon are boys. Do you want nickname them?"

"Yeah sure, why not?" I said." Little magby here, I will call you blitz. And you my friend, Bagon, will be called drakon." The words just flowed out. So this is what it felt like, getting your very own pokemon.



"Have you decided what your going to do, Hayden?" I was talking to Blake.

"Yeah, I'm going to beat the Nersheus Champion and travel over the world defeating other leagues, too. What about you, Blake?"

"I thought off becoming....well, how do I put this, a battle consultant. Yeah. So I cold help trainers who want to become better at batlling. I'd be one of a kind." He said.

I want to tell you this. Blake got a elekid and a gible as his starters.

"Well, how about you come with me. We can travel together, since both of us want to become something in life."

"Yeah, why not."

A new member to our team. Yes!


I said that out loud. Oops.


"Hey Hayden wait up!"

"Oh, hey Lucia."

Lucia was my other best friend. She was the first friend I'd ever had.

"So, what are you going to do, Hayden?"

"I'm going to travel the world, defeating Pokemon leagues. You, Lucia?"

"I'm going to become a connoisseur in Pokemon."

"Do you want to come along with us on our trip?"

"Sure lets go."

"Dratini, mincinno, return!" Lucia shouted.

And just like that, we had three new team members.


"Bye honey, take care."

"I will mom!" I shouted.

Our journey was beginning. Whether we don't become what we want or we do, whether we win or we lose, I know this journey is going to be fun and action packed. I know it will be awesome. I know it may not. All I know is, Route 1 here we come!


What do you think of this story and about my new username? Don't worry, my other stories will continue.




Maybe follow!

It's the bond between the pokemon and the trainer that is most important.


See you later, Feraligators!


P.S. I sat up until twelve writing and editing this for you people. Pleas promote this story and do the above.^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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