The Untold

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Dymee, said as she scream in rage. Tryna make coffee for being up for the pass Three days. She was mad at the World. Little did she know she was all alone in her Apartment. Crying and hurt because her Brother was no longer a call away. He was no longer walking distance to her. She felt as if her Heart was ripped out of her Chest. Technically speaking all she had was her Brother. And he was Locked Up. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint him. It was like his opinion to her mattered the most. It wasn't to long before she hit rock bottom. She was losing it. She was alone Stressed and Depressed. She had no other Real Family Members other than her Uncle Jay. She separated her self from her family, cause she felt like she didn't belong. She wanted to exist to so many people. So she built a Family outta friends. She felt what love felt like. And everything she loved she Immediately took great hemp too, she adorn the Relationship of the Friendship's she has had. She no longer had friends. She had family. And this is when the reality of Real Life begins.

Summer of 2005 it was hot outside. Everyone was outside on the streets of Miami Ave chilling on the Box. All the kids were playing in the water running and chasing each other. Water balloon fights and cookouts all through out the block. Cookouts, Music and Good Card Games of Spades. Dymee was outside with her Sisters and Brothers.

AWWWWWW man never seen a team so strong. Where at the time " Loyalty " was an main factor. Everybody was loyal but no one really paid attention to the meaning. They all shared laughs and they all was having a good time. If there was a fight on the block and you wasn't from Miami Ave in came to fight. You wasn't making it off the block. That's just how they worked as a Family. Its crazy cause one Man brought the whole team together as one, as a FAMILY. Its was so much going on, on the block that they just sat back chilled and made sure everybody all had a good time. From the AM to the PM they held the block down waiting for the Fiends to come. Back than crack sold Good.

It was cute to see The Girls doing the dame thing. Oddie he was the Big Brother. And oh how everyone one loved Big Brother Oddie. He made sure everybody ate good, he made sure to teach everybody the educated truth about The Streets Of Life. He introduce them to reality. To where at one point everything he said was just magically happening. Its was crazy but that's when shit got real.

( PHONE RINGS ).......

Hello Oddie, we need to talk, you gotta get over here and get over here now.

Oddie knew by the call that it wasn't gonna be pretty. But he didnt know what the problem was, nor how serious it was. When he got to the block, he couldn't believe what he heard. All he was doing was shaking his head Mad as hell. Mind you Dymee, Tesha, Mantha, was the ones who told him. He couldn't believe he was carrying snakes on his Team. Not the Team he Fed, took care of, not the ones he did shit for, that no one else did for. And than to repay him the way they did surprised and open alot of Eyes. Tj and Gray got greedy over money. It was so much money on the block and they wanted it all for themselves. And the more money that came in the greedier Tj and Gray got. Oddie was disappointed, let alone hurt that one of his main mans change on him for a Dollar.

Late that evening, Dymee and Tesha was going to meet up with Oddie. To drop off some cash and in the mist of walking from Miami Ave to Inwood, Tj And Gary came running behind both Tesha and Dymee. Little did they know Tj and Gary was on some next shit. Gary pulled out a gun while Tj questioned Tesha.

You see Tesha held it down for The Girls. She was the oldest out of The Girls and Dymee was her Little Cousin by blood but like a Sister to her as well.

Tj and Gary, well they grew up together. They were in still are best friends. But Tj was also Oddie right hand mans at the time.

Tesha And Dymee Was Clueless To Why Tj And Gary Would Follow Them. They Knew That Was On Some Other Shit But To Run Down On Tesha And Dymee Was Outta Line. Especailly Coming From Tj. Tj Was One Just Like Oddie And Mal To Protect The Girls. Especailly When It Came Down To Them. But When Tj And Gary Did That. They Showed They True Colors. Tj Was Questioning Tesha About Oddie Whereabouts. Although Oddie Wasn't Hiding. But Neither Tesha Or Dymee Was Giving Up Where He Was At And Hope That They Made It Safe To Oddie Without Getting Hurt. T.j Sent A Few Words Throught Tesha And They Went On They Way. Tesha Was Heated. Bleeping Oddie And Everybody At The Same Dame Time. Once They Got To Oddie House, Dymee Was Completely Scared Out Of Her Mind. Tesha Was The Trooper. She Delivered Every Word. Word From Word To Oddie. As If Her Mind Was A Recorder. All Dymee Could Do Was Follow Up With What She Said. Oddie Was Furious In Ready To Go To War.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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