The Consequence of Revenge (Max's Story)

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Stupid Starbucks.

            How hard was it to make a cup of coffee?

            I checked my watch again and tapped my foot against the floor. When it was finally my turn, my voice caught in my throat.

            Well…she was new.

            Smiling, I placed my hands onto the countertop and  leaned forward, “Hey girl.”

            The baristas eyebrows shot up and then a scowl I assume she only reserves for rapists, terrosits, and people named Max, appeared, rendering my balls a little shaky and my confidence a bit stunned. “What can I get for you?”

            I allowed myself a few seconds as I slowly took in her form and then finally settled my gaze on her pretty brown eyes and blonde hair. “Blonde roast.” I smirked, “With a bit of honey.”

            “Great.” She said through clenched teeth tapping her fingers against the register, “Is that all?”

            My smile fell, “Stand still.”

            “What?” Her hands froze midair, “What’s wrong?”

            “Stand still…so I can pick you up.” I winked. Yeah. I was a bad ass.

            The girl’s arms fell against her sides, “Really?”

            Was I losing my edge? I tried again, “Baby, if you were words on a page you’d be what they call fine print.”

            And sealed. All that was left was her swooning across the bar into my waiting arms.

            “Next!” She looked behind me.

            “Wait? I didn’t even pay?”

            “It’s fine.” She nodded, “Really. Go.”

            “Aw, our first date.”

            “Sure.” She nodded enthusiastically, “Now go away.”
            “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

            “Oh let’s hope not.” She said through clenched teeth.

            Ah, rejection. Oh well, it’s not like I was really turning it up or anything for crying out loud she looked like a clinger anyways. The type of girl that would gorilla me to the bed and then pound her chest and roar when I lied and told her I had to go take care of my sick grandmother.

            Clingers always saw through the lies.

            It’s why I suddenly developed a sickness so horrible that she didn’t want to be near me for fear of dying in two weeks.

            Swear to all that’s holy, last year I had Swine flu for a month. It was touch and go, really touch and go.

            With a sigh, I grabbed my coffee from the counter and made my way towards one of the empty tables. Jason had said he wanted to meet me for something and considering I still hadn’t found a job—I was all for it.

            Work bored me.

            If being a gentleman of leisure could be an actual occupation—I was all for it. That’s what being rich did to people—it made them lazy. And I was example A.

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