~DL~ To Jayson (1)

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Dear Jayson,

I hope you miss me as much as I miss you. So, I know it been only three days since you decided to chase after your acting career, but how is it going? I have no idea why you would go to Tokyo, Japan when you lived in Hollywood, the place where dreams comes true. How is life?  Have any big producers hire you? Are girls canoodling with you since you are so “extremely sexy” and “foreign” to them? I am not jealous if that what you are thinking when you are reading this letter. I will just have to get used to it. I am going to be a self-published author and you are going to be a famous actor. It’s life, what can we do about it?

Grr, my mind suddenly went blank! I wanted to say something to you like a minute ago, but now as I am really to write it. Poof, I forgot!

Anyways, school isn’t the same without you. It got kind of boring since no annoying girl is trying to threat me to get you up. I should feel more happy that there are no more death threats in my locker, but I am not. Yeah, yeah. I, Ellie Secret is missing all of the drama when you were here. Don’t get it in your head, chien. If you don’t know what that little French word is, I will wonder how you pass two years of French with solid As.

Miss you. (Yes, I am going a bit soft because of you. Damn you!)

Yours Truly,


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