Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sitting in class Mariana was trying her hardest to stay strong. Just stay strong. She kept reminding herself. She was still coming up with a plan to get in contact with Lena and Stef but have yet to figure out all of the details.

She was in her second period class and the teacher just assigned book work for them as he sat at his desk looking through his computer.

"Oh look, at the goody two shoes over there doing her work," She heard the kids in the back of the class making fun of her. No one in the class seemed to be taking their work seriously. They were all too busy talking and goofing around. The teacher just seemed to be ignoring them all. "Hey do you hear us talking to you?" One of the girls said. Mariana refused to turn around, just kept looking to her work. But then they started throwing paper balls at her and laughing.

Fighting the urge to show emotion, she packed up her stuff and walked up to the teacher's desk. "May I use the bathroom, please?"

"Oh May I use the bathroom." They continued to mock.

"Hey you guys knock it off and separate," the teacher yelled looking is if he didn't get paid enough to be there. "Why do you need all of you things to go to the bathroom? Leave your bag here".

Thinking on her feet, she lied, "I have girl problems I need to take care of. I need what's in my bag". Lucky for her she remembered over hearing the other girls from GU always talking. They used that excuse to get out of practically every class. This time was no different.

"Ok. Ok. Enough said. Just take the hall pass".

Quickly grabbing the pass, Mariana dashed out of the room. She made her way down the back stairwell and waited for the security guard to walk back the other way before slipping out the back door.

She took of running; as fast as her little legs could take her. She knew that she had a ways to go but if she could get just cover as much ground as she could then it wouldn't be as bad. She was afraid, that she couldn't hide. She has never been on her own on the street before. She wasn't quite sure where she was but she knew how to get where she was going. Lena use to always tell her to keep emergency money with her and to have a safe place in mind. Then of course after each little speech she received, Lena would give her money to hide away.

45 minutes and a taxi ride later Mariana arrived to Anchor Beach. Paying the very skeptical cab driver, she ran out straight to the school. It was 1 pm; meaning that Lena was on her off time. The time she usually spent with her. Heading straight to her classroom, Mariana could practically hear her heart beating. In fact it was the only noise she heard as she barged straight through Lena's room to find that no one was in there.

Looking around frantically, she tried to think of where else she might go. But there on the board was written Ms. Washington. They had a substitute that day and Lena wasn't even there. Ready to break down Mariana was starting to run out of ideas.

She had to think. It was already after 1 pm and she knew that she would not make it home in time. She knew that she would be getting in trouble if her new foster was to find out she cut school. So if she couldn't go to Lena then maybe Lena could come to her. She would just leave a note with the address on it.

Searching through Lena's drawers, trying to find a sticky to write on she came across something could come of use. It was Lena's planner. Mariana once saw her update a few of her contacts in there. She knew that Lena was never really that tech savvy and tried not to rely on cell phones too often. Flipping through, she saw a list with the very few people that she knew. Their names, phones numbers and addresses.

Entering the front office , Mariana was greeted by the receptionist. "Hello, Dear. What are you doing outside of class?" Relieved that she did not know that Mariana was no longer a student she faked some tears. "I need to call Rita, please". The secretary sighed as she looked to the young girl. "School is almost over honey. She will be here to pick you up shortly. Is this about Miss Adams not being here?"

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