Your choice, mankind!

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A blinding light of neon advertising struck in the eyes.

"Only here! Free sex! Men-women, men-men, women-women! All possible combinations! Only 20 credits for an unforgettable night! Make yourself pleased!"

And just nearby on another building – "Virtual sex with world stars! Feel yourself famous!"

A slow turning. The first, second, third building – everything sparkled with red and crimson fires and suggested to feel "true taste of life", as it has been written on a signboard of the next stocky construction, inviting "grandiose inhabitants of our capital" to take unique part here and now in summoning of "powerful spirits from underworld" under the direction of "the great prophet", whose name "is so powerful that cannot even be said aloud".

People were passing on nearby – they all were dressed in some sort of dark clothes and their faces were turned towards the ground. It almost seemed as if they didn't notice him.

What a strange world is that? He didn't remember himself living in it earlier.

He slowly moved forward, studying city vicinities. He had no more doubts that he somehow appeared inside a city.

Streets were lightened up by long lines of dim lanterns. "And how can they distinguish anything in such a darkness? – an overdue amazement came to his mind.

But the ones living here apparently didn't desire to notice anything, except for but few things. Here some bent townsman ran into the nearest building. A newcomer turned his head to behold the next signboard. Large shining dark-crimson letters were imprinted on its surface:

"Fights without rules. Life is just an instant in the eternity. Death is a release". And a bit more after – "The property of a lifeguard service of grandiose inhabitants of grandiose capital".

And once again a painful push of a thought coming – "where am I?"


He kept moving down the night streets of this city, and new and new pictures were opening for him.

"Your relative is just a human. But you are the God. Prove that! Best weapons and ammunition from military warehouses! Life is a prison. Death is a release". And familiar words, written a bit lower on a board – "The property of a lifeguard service of grandiose inhabitants of grandiose capital".

And once again, more and more... Dazzling light of crimson fires...

"Virtual club 'Illusion'. A virtual model of a capital – and you are its lord. Feel yourself a God! Property of Virtulex Enterprise corporation".

"Roulette of doom. Now it's your 'rolling', mortal!" And once again an additional text, written lower – "A place with no losers, for life is a curse, and death is a release!"

"Slaves we are not. Give aggressor a strike back! Vote for the 'Ashes' project. Each invader gets a nuclear bomb!" And lower – "Institute of sociological research of the Ministry of Attack and Defense".

Buildings, buildings, buildings... Fires, fires, fires...

This city made one mad. Something suppressed his will and tried to make him behave the same way – having forgotten of everything, run into the nearest tavern, or a sex-dance-club, or virtual "snack bar" – and for many hours to cease remembering any longer.

Of who you are. Of whom you should be. And of what you've become...

It seemed as if something terrible laid down on his shoulders, trying to press him down, flatten out, turn into nothing that one, who does not consent with that order of things. The city itself, apparently, was going to finish off this impudent intruder, not corresponding with its essence – and its rules of life.

On the Wings of Hope: Prose (Chosen)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora