Episode 8: The Red Star

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Lunar's enrollment in school was a shock that had a long lasting effect on the campus but Takashi never imagined that it would come home. But to his surprise as he woke up on a Sunday morning the pop star was lying next to him. He could feel her breath on the tip of his lip and without warning Lunar proceeded to wrap her leg around her waste but for Takashi that crossed a line. He let his body build up with neon energy and seconds later a shockwave sent Lunar crashing into the wall.



Lunar: You know, other boys would beg for this kind of experience.

Takashi: You have till the count of 5. 1

Lunar: Ok, ok I''m going.

Lunar made her exit from Takashi's room. Takashi was especially aggravated that she decided to pull this on a Sunday which he preferred to sleep in so he decided to lock the attic and hit the sack again. Meanwhile Takashi's mother and Akeno were preparing breakfast downstairs. Sun was watching television and Lunar came stomping down and sat next to her.

Lunar: I can't make sense of that man.

Sun: Talking about Takashi?

Lunar: Yes! I decide to sleep with him and he decides to blast me into a wall!

Hearing Lunar fail about her failed attempts at flirting made her crack a smile.

Lunar: What makes that guy so aggressive?

Akeno: Aside from the fact that he seems to be allergic to bullshit?

Lunar: Whats that supposed to mean?

Akeno: Oh nothing.

Lunar: Ms. Michichio, you must know something about why he's so mean.

Takashi's Mom: Honestly that his normal attitude. The powers allow him to be more assertive with it but he doesn't abuse it anymore.

Sun, Lunar and Akeno: Anymore?

Takashi's Mom: Oops, I said to much. Just forget it.

Lunar: Hold on! Was Takashi a bad boy with his powers?

Sun: I'm sure he didn't do anything too serious but I want to know.

Akeno: It would be beneficial to me as his wife to know more about him.

Takashi's Mom: Honestly girls, its a moment I don't like to relive so if you wouldn't mind just leaving it be?

Lunar: No I demand to know the truth!

As the three continued to beg for answers the look on the face of Takashi's mother turned to depression  as the memories starting flooding back. She was actually ready to cry until she heard music. It was a song that she heard for the third time this year and it comes from Takashi's room.

Takashi's Mom: Looks like he hasn't forgotten. He only plays that song on the anniversary of the event.

Akeno: Event?

Takashi's Mom: If he doesn't forget than maybe we shouldn't either but its a long story.

Sun: I'll go get some popcorn.

Lunar: Good thing it's a Sunday.

Takashi's Mom: Well it all started the day after Takashi got his powers. We found him in a back alley fearful for his own life and for anyone that got close to him. He was in a state that one wrong move and he could disintegrate a human being. His father and I managed to calm him down and we got him home, told him that this thing he was becoming was fine. We told him all the cliches; we love you no matter what happens, everything will go back to normal, this is just a phase.

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