Part 40: Memories are remembered

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R-"Has Shadow told anything lately?"-
A-"The last time she spoke to me was the day before she killed herself. She wanted to join Michael at last."-
R-"Yeah, about the time she did. Why did she stay behind for so long?"-
A-"To get her revenge on those who had hurt Michael. Also, it was part of her destiny. Ghost's orders, she couldn't simply run away from them."-
R-"I noticed."-
A-"You know what I think about sometimes?"-
A-"The day that Bryan was born."-
R-"I remember too. You looked like a girl."-
A-"That's because I sort of am one, you dummy."-
R-"I know, but you know what I mean."-
A-"Yeah. That was a beautiful moment, but painful as hell. God, I felt like I was being torn apart from the inside out."-
R-"Me too. Skin you in such pain made me feel pain too. I think it's some kind of reaction, don't you?"-
A-"Definitely."- I washed the last dish and closed the faucet. Then, I faced Ryder.
-"You know hat, Ashley?"- Ryder asked his hands on my waist.
-"What?"- I asked, putting my hands behind his neck.
-"I want to go outside."- WHAT??!!
-"Fucker, I thought you were going to say something more..."- I began to say.
-"Horny? Sexy? Romantic maybe? Sorry, but it's the truth. Should we bring Bryan with us?"- He innocently replied.
-"Sure, he needs to get some sunlight, see if he doesn't end up as pale as me."- I answered.
-"Bryan Daniel!!"- Ryder screamed, letting me go.
-"Coming!"- Bryan said, running down the stairs.
-"C'mon, let's go outside."- I told Bryan.
-"YAY!!"- He yelled and ran out the kitchen door. We (me and Ryder) followed and closed the door behind us.

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