Stopping Kiss

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So so sorry guys that it took so long. How long has it been since I've updated... 2 months? 1? But anyways i'm so sorry guys! My phone got stolen and that's where i mostly do my updates for my story. And now here i am, trying my best to write an update in my laptop. But its all worth it because i like to see you guys enjoy my story. Anyways that'll be all and i guarantee that an update will come this Sunday.


- Author


"Dave....let me explain" I raised my hands up, surrendering to whatever punishment i have in store,

"You have 1 minute  to do so" His jaw clenched as he talk, Sure enough, he was holding his temper,

I looked down, ashamed of my actions. Parker groaned, causing me to stiffen, wondering what would happen if he woke up now, on the wrong time.

"Well?" I looked up, fully meeting his eyes, annoyance was now shown in them, Good. At least he's not angry anymore.

"Parker came by....And we sort of got drunk, then i was on the floor, and then he pulled me up causing us to kiss and i heard him say something to me but i couldn't....remember" I started to feel tipsy as shit, Why did the alcohol take place now?

He sighed. Running a hand to his hair in frustration. "Okay fine, let me talk to this dip shit first" I nodded. He took Parker by the shirt and dragged him to my room. After hearing the door shut i collapsed on the sofa. The alcohol messing my vision as it became blurry.

Sure enough, i wasn't sober, I was completely drunk as hell. I grab some leftover food from the fridge, buffalo wings, before heating them in the microwave.

I sat back on the sofa, with one bowl of wings in my hand. I quietly chew on my food, wondering what the hell happened inside my room. I search through the channels,finding cartoons suitable for this situation right now.


Dave's  POV

I threw Parker on the carpet. He groaned, making a slither of annoyance flick through me. Why the hell does this guy always groan?

I waited. Patiently sitting on the edge of the bed. I admired every detail of Abby's room. The pictures, decor, accessory and makeup supplies.

I grumbled in boredom. A thought lingers in my brain. A smirk forms on my lips before heading to the bathroom and grabbing a cup of cold water.

" What the fuck?" Parker shot up, drenched in water. The cloth sticking to his skin, he looked up on me and a goofy smile crept to his face.

"Hey Dave. How you doing?" He greeted me, The fuck? He even has the courage to greet me after what he did?

I chuckle, giving him a hard smile before grabbing him by the collar, his eyes widened, confused by all of this.

"Don't play dumb with me Parker" I shoved him to the wall causing him to wince,

" What the fuck are you talking about man?" I punched him, the knuckles of my fist connecting with his cold cheek. He crashed to the floor, unable to balance through my punch.

A cut was visible from his lip, the maroon liquid slowly making its way to his chin.

I looked down on him, clenching my fist. I crouched to his level. Meeting his eyes.

"Maybe this would make you sober" Those were the last words he heard from me. Before my fist landed on his other cheek, he slumped down on the carpet, Out cold.

I proceeded to the door, looking back to Parker collapsed on the floor.  i scoffed before closing the door behind me and walking back to the living room.

The muffled noises of the television rang in my ears. Abby came in front of me, holding a plate of wings in her hands.

"Want some?" She slurred,  her voice showed that she drank too much in one day. i grabbed her by the elbow and drag her to the sofa.

"Hey! that's painful!" She complained while i lay her down on the sofa. I took the plate from her  hands and placed it on the table.

But then she pulled me by the hem of my shirt and pulled me closer, Our faces were inches away and the sudden feeling of her lips made me craving for her.

"What did you do to Parker, Dave?" She asked, slowly pulling me closer, her breathe smelled of whiskey but i didn't mind that,

"I took care of him." I said, looking down to her pink lips. i nervously lick mine and focus back at her eyes,

" Would you like to kiss me?"she spoke, her lips grazed mine in every word she said. I nodded, eager to feel her body pressed to mine.

 And with one little pull, her lips came contact with mine. i grab her waist and press her closer to me, 

She moaned while i leave love bites on her neck, marking her mine. She then brought her ands up to my hair and ruffled it.

 We parted, breathing heavily while looking back at each other. I wrapped my arms around her and remained silent.

It was only then i realized that she was sleeping, i cuddled next to her and closed my eyes. letting the drowsy feeling of slumber overtake me.


"Ah!" My eyes shot open. I stood up to see  Abby looking down on the floor filled with shards of broken glass.

" Abby, are you alright?" i walked closer to her, she shook her head in response and backed away.

" No don't!" I pulled her closer to me before she could step on a broken shard on the floor.

Her face was inches away from me. i reminisce from our make out from last night.

I smiled. seeing her face filled with surprise. i move in closer, wanting our lips to be together.

"Ow. my head" Abby pushed me away, but i grabbed a hold of her hand before she could hurt herself again.

Parker groaned, sitting down on the chair and grabbing a plate.

"Hey Abby. Did we do something last night? why does my face hurt like shit" He said before taking a swig of his glass of water.

" Oh. Mr. Sanchez, what brings you by here? wait... were you here last night?" He asked. glancing from me to Abby.

The rage then comes back inside me. I make my way to Parker and grab him by his collar. His eyes widened as i pushed him against the wall.

" Hey dude! what did i do?" He asked, clearly confused. He must be sober by now. The fact that he doesn't remember anything when he was drunk.

" Don't you remember what you did last night?" I scowled, tempted to punch him in the face and beat him till he's out cold.

" I don't remember dude, i was drunk!" I clenched my fist. One more irritating sentence that comes out of his mouth and he'll get what he deserves.

" Dave NO!"Abby shouted beside me. trying to pry my grip away from Parker. I ignored her and focused on Parker.

" You son of a-" Suddenly, two arms wrapped around me, pulling me away from Parker. It was then that I realized that Abby has pulled me away from him and she crashed her lips onto mine.

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