Chapter 2

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"We can each change the world, with genuine acts of kindness."

Sun sank lower in the sky, and the sky transformed into a fusion of fiery hues, casting a soft, golden light upon the land. The birds gracefully returned to their nests, weaving intricate patterns through the air with their flight. The tranquil melody of their evening songs filled the air, blending tunefully with the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze.

Ayushi was returning from her new office towards her PG on the cemented footpath in the dusk, thinking about how smoothly the past three months had passed, filled with absolute freedom and fresh air. She had found herself immersed in the bustling streets of Indore, a city entirely new to her. From the moment she had arrived, she was captivated by its charm. The air was crisp and pure, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass. Everywhere she looked, lush green trees provided a soothing contrast to the urban landscape.

Each breath she took in Indore felt like a gulp of freedom, a stark contrast to the suffocation she had often felt back home. Despite the physical distance from her family in Bhopal, every month, she dutifully sent a portion of her hard-earned salary to support them, a gesture of gratitude for the education they had provided to her. As she savoured the newfound independence and opportunities in Indore, she never lost sight of the roots that had nurtured her dreams, ensuring that her journey towards success remained grounded in humility and appreciation.

Just when she was about to take a turn, she noticed an elderly woman stumbling on the footpath, her frail figure swaying dangerously as she struggled to maintain her balance. Without a moment's hesitation, Ayushi rushed to the woman's side, offering her arm for support and gently guiding her to a nearby bench. 

Amidst the crowd of onlookers, Ayushi was the only individual of compassion and action, as everyone else remained mere spectators, unwilling to lend a helping hand to the unconscious old lady.

With concern etched on her face, Ayushi knelt beside the woman and removed the suffocating mask from her face, offering her water and comforting words as she assessed her condition.  Sensing the woman's weakness, Ayushi called a passing rickshaw and helped her into the seat; ensuring she was safely seated, she also sat inside the rickshaw and instructed the driver to take them to the nearest medical facility.

On the way towards the hospital, Ayushi helplessly patted the old woman's cheek. "Aunt? Aunt?" but she didn't get a response from the unconscious lady. 

"Uncle please drive a bit past, I think she's serious," she pleaded beseechingly while trying to put the woman's head on her lap. "Yes, yes child. I am driving as fast as I can," the driver nodded his head and rushed towards the traffic speedily. 

With a sense of urgency, Ayushi accompanied the elderly woman to the hospital, ensuring she was admitted promptly upon arrival. Gratitude filled her heart as she thanked the auto-rickshaw puller for his kindness in helping them reach the hospital swiftly and even inside the hospital premises as the ward boys were a known acquaintance of the auto-rickshaw driver.

Inside the hospital, Ayushi swiftly took charge, coordinating with the medical staff to complete all necessary formalities for the woman's admission. Before reaching the hospital, Ayushi had got the AADHAR-ID of the old woman inside her purse and even a keypad mobile phone. She provided the required information, filling out paperwork with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the woman received the care she urgently needed. 

Understanding the importance of immediate medical attention, Ayushi also made arrangements to cover the costs of any treatment the woman required, offering to pay upfront to ensure that no time was wasted in providing her with the necessary care. 

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