An Old Friend

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Present Day

"Iris," my mother said and I turned my attention to her, snapping out of my trance.

"Y-Yes?" I ask her hesitantly, needing a moment to gather my bearings.

"Wouldn't that be nice," my mother asks and confusion plagues my face, not hearing what was said. My mother notices my confusion and adds, "to spend some time under Heather's firm when her entourage travels to Paris."

I inwardly cringe at that horrendous idea. Lucky for me, Alexis saves the day.

"Unfortunately, me and Iris already have plans around that time."

Heather's venomous gaze cuts to Alexis. An annoyance seeping through. "Oh? And what would that be?"

Yeah Alexis, what did we agree to?

"Um, well my dad said I could bring a guest with me to this year's Gamescon, and I told him Iris was going."

She's lying through her teeth so I don't have to spend time with Heather. Everyone, get you an Alexis.

My mother nods and Heather frowns deeply.

"Very well then," my mother states. "You have an earlier commitment and you should follow through."

Heather's lips draws into a thin line and her disdain is clear though I'm not sure if it's because I won't be going with her, or the fact that I'll be spending time with Alexis and her family.

"Maybe next time," she says stiffly. I wonder what's her deal with Alexis. I'll have to remember to ask her while we're in private.

We all make cordial conversation, though the tension between Heather and Alexis doesn't go unnotice.

More rich tycoons come over and my mother and Heather become engrossed in their conversation. Alexis pulls me away and we head to the balcony.
I watch as she puts her hands on the railing before inhaling and exhaling deeply.

She turns to me. "I'm sleeping over and we're sneaking out to go to a party."

I arch an eyebrow. "So, we're leaving a rich snobby party to go to another rich snobby party, but the younger edition?" I pause. "I thought you didn't have any friends besides me?"

She scoffs. "Well, I had to do something while you were away. Besides, it's not a snobby rich party."

"Then what is it?"

She winks. "A surprise of course. Don't worry, I know you. You'll have fun."
Sometimes I worry about Alexis' schemes. Her ideas weren't always the best though I think she knows this and does it for the thrill.

I shake my head, still unsure. "I don't know, Alexis."

She whines. "Come on Iris, you were gone forever! You left me all alone with these people," she scolds in a light tone.

I look at her in disbelief. "Are you guilt tripping me, Alexis?"

She ponders. "If it gets you to go to this party with me then yes, I am."

I chuckle and sigh at my bestfriend. "Fine. I'll go."

She squeals in excitement before tightly hugging me and I groan.

"You won't regret it."

Three hours later, after the party ended, we're sitting on my bed, waiting for an ordered driver.
We didn't want to take one of our cars and risk my parents seeing one of them gone.

I chose to wear a black crop top paired with skinny jeans and tennis shoes because I would rather not risk anyone stepping on my toes at the party.
Alexis had to borrow clothes from my closet, luckily our sizes are basically similiar. She adorned an off the shoulders shirt with jeans and a pair of sandals.
She was currently in the mirror applying lip gloss before she turned towards me.

"We look sexy. A bunch of bad bitches."

I laugh at her choice of words before noticing my phone screen lit up, signaling our ride was here.

"Lets go," I tell Alexis, and we make our way downstairs.

The steps are polished and never make a sound as we descend down the steps. When we reach the last step Alexis trips and falls onto the marble floor. I would've laughed at the sight if it didn't risk us getting caught.

"Sorry," she whispers, strumbling to her feet. "Little too much to drink earlier."

I look at her with concern. "Will you be alright to go?"
She waves me off and nods her head. "Of course. Now let's go."

We make our way out the house and head into the backseat of the car. Alexis gives the driver the directions and we're off.

After a moment Alexis speaks. "So, you never really mention Paris at all," she states inquisitively.
I go rigid but try to relax. Alexis knows me too well and any misgivings will send off a red flag. Don't get me wrong, she's a great friend, but I just don't feel comfortable talking about what really happened.

After I'm sure I can give a clear answer I speak. "Not really much to tell. Paris was.... Paris."

"So, handsome Frenchmen walking around vying desperately for your affection, croissants everywhere, and mimes stalking every corner preying on citizens?"

I will never understand her problem with mimes....

I smile and play along. "Of course, it was all very cliche hollywood."
Alexis opens her mouth but our driver stops the car, signaling we've arrived.

"We're here!" She exclaims, getting out the car and I follow.
Alexis wasn't lying when she said the party wasn't upscale. In fact, it was a normal house party... with normal teenagers.

"Where did you find this place," I ask as we make our way to the door.

"I made some friends while you were away getting chased by dangerous serial killer mimes."

Of course she did and I leave it at that.

We enter the party and was met with loud music and dancing bodies. The smell of alcohol and weed fills the atmosphere.
The environment was intoxicating. Everyone was having a good time and really enjoying themselves, getting lost in their own adventures.

"Let's get a drink," I offer and she agrees as we make our way to the kegs, squeezing through the many bodies of people.
The music is almost deafening as we fill our cups. I notice Alexis take a large swig before refilling it back uo and I give her a look.

"What? I will try to be semi-coherent by the end of the night," she says, "but no promises."

"Alexis," I warn.

She rolls her eyes. "Fine, mom."

I roll my eyes as I drink from the cup, the alcohol sending a burning sensation to my throat.

I know what you're thinking. You're still drinking after what happened? Of course, being sober in this world wasn't an option. Why do you think drug and alcohol abuse is so common amongst celebrities, politicians, and everyone else? We all desire the escape, even if momentarily.
The high ride of bliss makes the crash and burn all worth it, and the return more immediate. Lost in my thoughts I let the drinks flow.

I found myself dancing amongst the crowd, me and Alexis separating some time ago.
Getting lost to the music was easy, despite my weighted troubles.
Dancing is mesmerizing, everyone becoming one and merging like a tidal wave.
Someone moves their hands along my waist and I wrap my own around their neck as we dance to the beat.
We're enjoying ourselves as we move in our trance.
We're blissful strangers enjoying the company of neither of us knowing our demons. Our secrets, the flaws that make others judge us.

But the crash comes all to soon as I hear a voice that sends chills to my spine and envelops the rest of me.
A voice that, barely ten seconds ago, I thought I'd never hear again.

"Iris," it questions and I freeze before turning around to face him.

I wasn't ready to face the burn of my actions. I was already seeking the next dosage of bliss, never expecting to face this, or him ever again.


I was absolutely terrified of facing this withdrawal.

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