Your alive why?

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Roles reversed part 2.

Vladimir had just arrived at garside grange school. He was unpacking his gear he had brought with him. Meanwhile Katarina was in the throne room dealing with her siblings fighting.

"Will you all just shut up?! I have something to say." Katarina said in a angry tone. Her siblings all looked at her and were silent. "It turns out, my dearest twin brother Vladimir is alive." Kat said this while gritting her teeth a little. "He shall be staying with us till further notice."

Just as Katarina finished saying this Vladimir entered the room. Katarina had no idea where he had been the past 13 years, but she intended to find out.

The count on the other hand was all to please Vladimir was back.

"Vladimir! My son and heir! Your alive!" The count was so happy that Vladimir was back it made everyone rather angry though. "Excuse me?! Your son and /heir?/ I am your air father! You crowned me your air because I am the chosen one!!" Kat's voice was rather angry.

"Oh hush you silly girl. Your just a girl. You should know girls don't inherit the title!" The count didn't look at Katarina not once when he said this. What the count had said made not only Katarina but Alicelisabetta and Ingrid angry as well.

Robin Branagh, Katarina's best friend now boyfriend came into the throne room looking slightly confused to the situation.

Robin is what the vampire world calls a half fang, Katarina turned him about half a year ago. She turned him for love. But robin did not come to garside alone.

He brought a female girl with him, her name was Erin Noble, at first Katarina hated Erin as she thought Erin and robin were involved romantically.

But they weren't. After that whole fight they had, Erin and kat became best friends. Erin was still human, she was a slayer in fact. Robin was once a slayer but choose to give it up for a unlife with his true love Katarina.

"Woah. Kat what's wrong? Why is everyone so angry?" Robin seems rather confused. "I shall explain it to you later robin." Katarina stood up from the throne and walked over to vlad. "Just because you are Alive now, doesn't give you the right to come here and steal my title. Steal anything else from me and I promise you won't live another day." Katarina snarled at Vladimir. Then walked out of the throne room, robin followed her.

"Kat please. What was all that about?! Who was that guy??"

Robin was rather worried because he had never seen kat that angry before.

"That /person/ is my twin brother. I thought he died 13 years ago. But no he has to be alive! He's been back 5 minutes and he had already stolen my title!!" Katarina's voice was rather angry.

Robin hugged her to calm her down. It work. They went into Katarina's room and just talked till kat had completely calmed down.

Vladimir was rather confused by Katarina's reaction, he was brought up by the council so he didn't truly understand people emotions. He bid everyone goodnight and walked to go find Katarina's room.

On the way to Katarina's room a human girl passed him, she had short blonde hair and just looked beautiful, the girl's beauty stopped him dead in his tracks. The girl saw him and looked rather confused to who he was.

"Um.. Excuse me. Who are you? And why are you staring at me." The girl stated rather rudely.

"My name is Vladimir Dracula, I am Katarina Dracula's Twin brother. I was not staring at you breather, I was merely looking in your general direction. And what is your name miss?" Vladimir asked rather curiously of the girl.

The girl raised her eyebrow. "kat has a twin? That's news to me. Do not call me a breather vampire, if you just call me a slayer." The girl sighed rather annoyed. "My name is Erin, Erin Noble."

(( CHAPTER 2 DONE!! I'm so sorry it took forever for me to update!! I've been dealing with some personal matters but I'm back! I shall be updating everything as soon as possible :D I hope this chapter is good! Please leave comments ❤️ <3))

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