she's my stress reliever [1]

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Ken's POV

I walked down the stairs and to the back door. My feet caused the old, wooden steps to creak. Didn't want to wake nobody up. Once I reached the back door, I slid it open carefully. It was almost midnight and I had to meet up with my gang. It was the night we was gonna get lit. Fuck some shit up, y'know?

My step-parents were dead asleep, so I was able to escape the 'hell-hole' in one piece. Once I reached the sidewalk I began picking up my pace. Although it was late, I still felt as if someone was watching. As I turned to corner into the alley I noticed a body fall to the ground.

I was gonna go catch up with my gang who was waiting for me down the road, but I guess not no more.

"You aight?" I glanced at the female, tryin' not to get in my feelin's to much.

"Some dirty bastard just tried jumpin' my ass." She let out a long sigh, gettin' up from the concrete. "Why you care anyway, pretty sure I seen you in that gang downtown. Y'all nigga's in that gang ain't got feelings for shit."

"You right, Still ain't stoppin' me from caring if a girl was dead." My voice became stern, just cause' I was in a gang didn't mean I ain't got no feelings. "Just be lucky I didn't finish the job for the 'bastard' who jumped you."

The female rolled her eyes, gettin' up from the concrete sidewalk. She struggled to finally rise to her feet. "Damn, he got you pretty well." I chuckled. "Prolly anotha one of my niggas down the road."

"Surprised none of them in jail yet. They asses should be death sentenced. They raping some fine ass chocolate girls, some white girls too. They killing other niggas and jumping people." I walked towards the girl. She looked as if she was gonna puke.

"You sure yous aight? You best not be puking on my fuckin' shoes Bitch." I muttered, watching the girl.

"You got a car?" She asked.

"Not with me, sorry." I replied.

"Can you walk me, please?"

"I guess, don't know why you can't walk yourself." I rolled my eyes, walking across the street beside her.

I couldn't help but check her out. She was something else. Like a Nicki Minaj, just not fake, I think. She was thick, thin, and, just one sexy motha fucker.

Tasha's POV

The pounding in my chest got stronger, and stronger. I was sick to my stomach and couldn't wait to be home. My parents were out of town so they wouldn't need to know what happened. Besides, my family would've been disappointed in me for leavin' the fuckin' house in the first place.

As we walked, I couldn't help but stare at the male. He was one sexy ass mother fucker. Perfect body.

"My house up here." I mumbled, walking up my steps and to my door. As I turned I noticed a few people walking up the street.

"Wow, Ken you getting it tonight man?" One of the males spoke, another said, "Damn she thick too, she'll do good bouncing on that dick."

I couldn't help but laugh, "So those are the type of kids you be hangin' out with?" I shook my head.

Ken's POV

When the guys came around the corner and started yellin' I looked down at the concrete, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Ye, they cool when you get to know em'."

"So yous sayin' Ima be seein' yo ass again?" She asked.

"I mean, only if you was wantin' to see my ass again?"

"Yeah, I'd like to meet those friends of yours. Seem real friendly." She laughed.

Her laugh made me smile, which was rare. "Ima see you soon?"

"Ye, I'm down whenever. You can find me down that road at night. In that lil hideout lookin' place." I began walking down the street, waving goodbye. I caught up with the guys who was yellin' down the road.

"You ain't gettin' it tonight?" Tyrone asked.

"Nah, not tonight. Maybe another night."

"Sure she ain't takin'?"

"If she is, she ain't gettin' dicked down right." I laughed, continuing walkin' down the street.

That was my first chapter bruh! Hope y'all liked it. I'll be posting as much as I can. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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