Chapter 1

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What am I doing? Jonathan thought to himself as he moved slowly alongside the east bound traffic of a busy highway. Normally his pace was much quicker, but tonight he ambled.

His path wavered ever so slightly as his eyelids fluttered, lost in a dream of a better time and place. He came a bit too close to the pavement and a car honked as it drove past. He laughed as his long hair tickled his face, dancing, lost in the fierce wind that followed in the sedan's wake.

It was a childish laugh, one that Jonathan knew well would lead to trouble.

He felt a vibration in his spine, it started in his tail bone and moved quickly up his back, stealing his body heat as it rose. He shivered and dreaded what would come next.

Without missing a step Jonathan walked out onto the road. He tried not to, he wanted nothing more than to stay on the shoulder, but as the cool, jittery shiver reached his brain stem he was lost.

His senses were intac; he could see where he was going and hear the angry horns of cars as they flew past him. He could also hear the childish laugh grow louder, more frantic. but there was nothing he could do to stop his feet from moving forward, slowly stepping closer to the solid concrete median that split the highway into east and west bound traffic.

The air around Jonathan suddenly grew thick, everything seemed to slow down, but somehow speed up at the same time. There was so much energy everywhere. Jonathan's laugh stopped suddenly as he jerked his head to the left, he made eye contact with the scared looking man driving a van directly at him and everything became electric.

Jonathan screamed out silently in his head to move, to jump out of the way, but what ever had taken control of his body wouldn't budge. Instead his body stood there, willing the driver to make a move.

The van swerved, slamming into the median and flipping high into the air. Jonathan wanted to scream but all he could do was laugh, it sounded so cruel, he hated that laugh.

The van crashed into a car on the west bound side of the median and the sound was so terrifying, as if the metal and plastic and glass of each vehicle was crying out in pain.

Jonathan watched in horror as the two twisted vehicles shifted drastically into the other lanes of traffic. He heard the air brakes of an eighteen wheeler screaming and he watched as its cargo drifted toward the median. The back tires hit the concrete and were forced up and over it, tilting the top of the container forward and sending it off balance.

The container came crashing down on top of a huge SUV with bumper stickers proclaiming the various academic and athletic achievements of what seemed like an unrealistic number of children.

Jonathan felt debris flying past his face and limbs, coming dangerously close but never making contact with his body.

He climbed up onto the median and held his arms up in the air. He continued to laugh, moving his hips in an excited, almost erotic dance.

Something inside of Jonathan was enjoying this. It fed off of the screams of the innocent people around him, he could feel goosebumps on his flesh as the energy in the air flowed through him. He closed his eyes and danced on to the sound of more vehicles joining the chaotic crash.

There was an explosion and Jonathan felt himself become aroused. As he twisted his body, eyes closed in ecstasy, a car door came spinning through the air towards him. Jonathan's body bent in a fluid movement as the debris just narrowly passed by him, he seemed unaffected by it. Almost unaware that it had happened

Eventually the sounds of cars crashing stopped, but Jonathan could still hear screams, he could hear smaller explosions all around him and the electricity in the air was hot and wild. He started rubbing his crotch through his pants.

His hand raised to his belt, he slipped it under his shirt and felt his stomach, twisting the hair around his finger tips. He felt his hand make its way to his nipple and he could feel his own burning shame for not having control over any of it.

Slowly he felt the shiver begin to melt away. It crawled back down his spine and disappeared as he pulled his hand out of his shirt.

He looked around and hated himself. The screams and sounds of suffering around him made him sick and his vision blurred. All of the sudden his head felt heavy and his stomach clenched with pain. Losing his balance, he nearly fell off the median but hopped ungracefully to the ground and instantly began vomiting.

He didn't know how long the carnage around him had gone on for. It felt like hours. He reached out his hand and steadied himself against the wrecked metal skeleton of the van that had started it all. There were no screams coming from inside and he knew the driver was dead.

This thought made his stomach churn again and he vomited uncontrollably onto the dead man's van.

JonathanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ