Warriors Question 5

67 4 12

Favorite Clan?

RiverClan boy! It's not that hard for me to answer this, well, actually, I'd have to argue with that. I've been planning this book for a while now, and it took me a bit of thinking to come up with my favorite Clan. I know I know I said CP was my favoeite SE but I decided that not long ago either. It actually fueled my choice of favorite. Before I had solidified my answer, I couldn't decide which Clan was my favorite. Heck, I didn't really have one! They were all the same to me, but when I got thinking about my favorite SE, I thought of the second one I read, Crookedstars Promise. Like I earlier mentioned how I love reading and writing water stuff, indeed so much so that I went back to the part where Crookedpaw is swimming with Willowpaw in the book (even though I was way past that part), just because I wanted to read it again, because it involved water! And it wouldn't be the first time, either. I also love swimming irl, so that helps out with this opinion too. Over all, RiverClan is my favorite out of all six. Yes, six. BloodClan exists too you know. ;)

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