Chapter 5 : Little Girl Runs II

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The sound of my storming footsteps echoed across the forest. I ran with great distance toward East from where I was and with the great unrecognized noises heard at the back pursuing me through the forest. I thundered forward not waring what was around me only thing that I had in mind that hoped for seeing Chayrliethel in the middle of the forest yet my heart seriously were afraid for the next thing will happen if I am not able. The sounds of branches cracks through around, the noises from behind rose even louder indicates those thing are getting near. I see no more bright skies for the sun had sunk into the earth yet the forest somehow seems likely visible as I can still see what's around me. My throat dried out and soon I am thirst of water for I had ran so great distance and my feet won’t last for the ground. The unbelievable mighty foot sounds truly getting near sooner out of expectation. I ran furthered forward till I stumbled upon a dead end, grass less ground which it was on the foot of a mighty tall cliffs reaching up high almost to the sky. I was surrounded with solid wall of rocks which nowhere I am able to run somehow like wild vines grew of the cliff. Not thinking much I started to ladder the cliff up with the strong vines hoping to reach at the peak for it grew upward and pretty attached to it as the scary sounds from behind managed got so near. The sun had sunk and the forest is already dark as so I laddered effort fully up the vines till the noises almost faded away below me. As I already high up from the ground I looked what was under me, it was dark, for it seems so dark yet I able to see the forest as I already above the trees. And the full moon brightly huge shines entire and to all around me and the cold less nor warm less air of winds blew the forest for it was almost a gust of wind swirl through me. "What a quite view from up here" I thought. I continued ladder upward so high and managed to reach an empty hollow space on the cliff which where the vines grew from and decided to stay there. I climbed up and knew this cave is hollow, pretty enough to hold at the least of 10 people in here and this place are so high till I can even see the trees and the forest so below me and the mean time the skies was so bright with white cloud the moon had lit shines all of them for it was quite scenic and even brighten around the cave. I am not able to go anywhere for the cave hopelessly a dead end, round wall and ceilings. I do not see any other way of the cave as it had nowhere else to go. What a terrible thing to think for this cave disappoint me. If I go back down I might encounter with those thing that have been chasing me for I wonder instead if they could be nearer than ever. "What should I do?" I thought to myself and sat down on the dusty floor with disappointment. I glanced toward at the edge of the cave but it was pretty blurry for it had pretty dark at the spot, I stood and approached toward for a clear view yet it was a dead end either. "There are no good will come to me" I thought. I faced toward the forest and stood, "I have no choice but to face them" I said. The sounds got nearer than ever; rustling vines heard even louder than ever, I had to face it." I’m not pretty good in a fight but it’s the least I can do". I cannot think much and mind only the things that have been chasing me for I have no more other choice I had to face them. The sound got near and almost had to reach at the edge of the cave than ever as if I could see the face of my enemy in a few seconds. "I have to face them, my heart's ready" I hold my fist and prepared to face. As the sound of rustling vines ended, a small arm reached the cave and I can see the face that came up at the edge,
"Help me" It was chayrliethel.
I ran toward her and helped her up.
"What are you doing?"
Chayrliethel didn't answer and she seemed exhausted.
"Where are they? Didn’t you get chased by those who pursued me?"
Chayrliethel didn't say any word she snuggled me instead.

"No, Chayrliethel got chase by nobody"

"What do you mean?"

"Actually Chayrliethel was the one that was chasing Herman" Chayrliethel grinned.
"You have got to be kidding me" I leaned on the wall.
Chayrliethel chuckled while I am out of breath.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"You said that I had to run toward eastward because there are things that are chasing me"
"Chayrliethel wanted Herman to be in this cave quick before the sun sink down, for this forest actually even terrifying than in the day."
"Sorry I left you behind. Then you must be scared of the forest alone"
Chayrliethel smiled with her tired face.
After a while, it was already midnight and the moon had already set to its highest for it lit a wonderful ray somehow managed to through some part of the cloud toward the face of the forest for it was a full moon, it had brighten the sky and all what around can be seen. I can't help myself and thought of what I could do but seeing this wonderful view for it was so scenic and heavenly to see and the cave is getting colder and so the forest is starting to get colder either unexpected when at night than in the day. I decided to climb down to get some branches to set a fire to warm our self.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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