Chapter 5

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Christine was rather confused about her therapist's comment about ending their session. They usually went on for another half an hour, but it was cut short. Was it all really nothing to worry about? She didn't know.

Christine crawled into her bed later that day and dreaded the fact her dreams might get haunted once more.


She woke up the next morning, relieved, that her dreams weren't haunted, but then again, she didn't have dreams to be haunted in the first place. She gathered what she would need for her workplace, and then headed out for her work.

They were working on a new production at her theatre. Maybe she could get someone to come out and see it, but who? She didn't really know anyone, except for her therapist. Would it be too weird for her to ask him to come and watch her performance? She ought to get out more often.

The other women in the prepping area chattered quite loudly, and the manager had to tell them twice that they were to be on stage, ready to practice, in about ten minutes. Christine felt a little stressed, an outlier. Everyone was talking and having a great time, but she was the quiet one, never talking.

"It's weird, isn't it?" a new voice suddenly talked next to her.

Christine turned to look, and saw a new girl, doing her make-up, next to her. Christine's jaw almost dropped. She looked almost exactly like Meg from her dream!

"What is?" she dared to ask, seeing if this girl was talking to her.

"This production, and all the cast members. It seems like they're family, don't they?" the new girl was indeed talking to her.

"Y-yeah." Her overall mood improved a bit.

"I'm Meg." Christine almost froze. "Meg Gibbons." Christine mentally sighed.

"Christine Daaé." They shook hands momentarily. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around."

"Oh, I was casted around the same time as you, and you being new, you didn't socialize. So yeah, you haven't seen me. I've seen you, though." Meg smiled warmly. "You're really good at dancing."

"Oh, thank you." Christine could feel that she was blushing.

"Be ready in five minutes, ladies!" the manager said again.

Meg and Christine suddenly started to rush to finish their appearances on time, and barely made it out onto the stage in the appropriate time. While practicing, Christine decided maybe she can talk to people...just Meg would be the first person.


"Come on, come on." Erik muttered as he waited on the phone. Christine still hadn't answered. Angered, he threw the phone back in its place, barely landing in its place.

He sat at his desk, head in hands, frustrated. Abigail came in a few minutes later.

"Everything alright, sir?" his head snapped up. "I can come back a later time if this isn't the time..."

"That would be lovely, Abigail." Abigail hurried out of the room.

Did Erik like Christine? That wouldn't exactly be right, and aren't there things about a patient loving their therapist, or vice versa? Would or could they get in trouble? But he still didn't understand if he liked her or not. The only way to know is if he talked to someone about it....

"Abigail!" he shouted.

Feet scuttled and the door opened again. "Y-yes, sir?"

"I need help with something. We don't have anyone for a while, right?" he saw some emotion flash over Abigail's eyes.

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