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 Warning: Not 100% accurate. I've done my research, but if you see something I've messed up, feel free to tell me. I'll do my best to correct it.


She knew it was over when she saw it shattered on the concrete. It was broken, useless; just like her. In hindsight, she should have realized evading her pursuers would be futile. They had immeasurable resources and a singular purpose. All of those resources were, at this moment, being used to find her, to hunt her. The relentless chase had begun in Siberia, where she had taken her first step of freedom in months. She had been greeted by biting wind and a blinding white. It was a miracle her flight hadn't ended there with how disoriented she had been. But it hadn't, and now, as the end finally found her, she looked at the varying shades of blue in the winter sky. As she lay suffocating in her own death, eyes to the sky, she remembered.

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