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I'd like to thank all of you for you votes, comments, and views! Just wow, I never believed that I would actually make it this far. Don't stop believing :D! Again, thank you guys so, so much! I'm so sorry that this took forever to update. I had exams and a minor writer's block.

****Note: I didn't say this before, but this story takes place in Pennsylvania around mid-November in 2013. Also, this chapter might seem a little boring. Okay? Okay.


Chapter 7 | Time

// - Time: |noun|

1. The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

2. A point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.

- One's lifetime.

Sometime in one's life, they had said that time was a valuable thing. That time wasn't allowed to slip away from our grasp and that we should always make the best of it. Sure, I believed in that. But the way people defined it wasn't necessarily right. Time itself was limitless, but our own time had their restrictions. Because as of right now or twenty minutes into the future, time wouldn't wait for anyone.

And to those who said that we had all the time in the world. They are ignorant. The seconds in a minute, and the minutes in an hour could change completely. But it wouldn't change the fact that it could be wasted. It will always be there, the same in different shapes.

Time was a man-made thing, so it didn't really exist at first. But even long before time was invented, the concept was always there.


I spent my Saturday differently. Instead of trapping myself in my tiny blue room, I decided to venture outside. These days, I felt a blossoming of happiness, and I wanted to continue feeling like that. Half an hour ago, Lizzy called and invited me to go to a diner outside of town with Reece, Kate, and Luke. For a split second, I couldn't help but think how inseparable they all were outside of school. I almost declined, thinking about how out of place I would be.

I still said yes.

I was now getting ready to leave my empty house. I slipped on my Vans and pulled a knitted beanie over my head. I took my keys off the hook it was hanging on without a second glance and stepped outside, shutting the door behind me. I sat on my porch, waiting for Lizzy to come pick me up since I didn't have my own car yet. I breathed in the usual November day air while checking my phone.

A silver Volkswagen pulled up in front of my house, the windows all the way down, the music blasting its loudest. I shook my head, walking over to her car and slipping into the passenger seat.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked, tugging the sleeves to my jacket down my arm.

"Hello to you, too." Lizzy flashed me a grin, speeding down the street. "And no, I'm not cold."

Lizzy seemed subdue, as insane as that sounded. She was eccentric as ever, but not to its fullest. The hand which wasn't on the steering wheel, fiddling with the hem of her sweater. Her eyebrows were scrunched up and she was biting her lip, a nervous habit of hers. I didn't question it. It was none of my business anyway.

And what happened to the last person you didn't question?

I was fighting my demons. Of course my subconscious would bring that up. Because the last person I didn't question ended up dead.

"You okay?" Lizzy asked, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied.

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