Jill and Kendall

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"Hey mom, could I get...mom." Jill turned around, her mascara was streaming down her face.
"Hi honey! What is it you wanted?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Allergic reaction, now I'm sure that's not what you wanted."
"Tell me. Please. I thought we could trust each other."
Kendall walked over and sat next to her mother and put an arm around her.
"It's all these people! They use you! For the first few weeks when we were at candy apples Cathy used you, she wanted to get back at Abby. She doesn't care anymore! She's setting you up to fail! She doesn't care about your choreography anymore and doesn't edit it when you've practiced it, she doesn't want you to be perfect! One of the other moms told me that she said to them about how we don't fit in there and how I'm the only person who thinks that you're a good little dancer! I know you're a great dancer, and that's the truth! She's got her thick head wrapped around Vivi, who can't dance. She only thinks that she's good because she's her daughter. She just wants you to beat Abby Lee Miller. You're her own little game. I just want you to do well in like babe."
"Oh mom. I don't need people to say what they think about me. I don't care and you shouldn't care. You're my mother, your opinion is one of the only ones that truly matter to me. Yes, my feelings do get hurt but sometimes people saying how bad you are is good, it helps you try to improve in that area. I know I can dance, if I couldn't, I wouldn't be winning competitions. Or on Abby's team. Well I was. But that doesn't matter. What matters if yours, and my happiness."
"Yes mom?"
"I love you."
"I love you too." They both hugged each other.

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