Chapter 2- The Nightmares Continue

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Peeta's POV

I wake up to the sound of screams and crying. In an instant I know who it is. I hurry out of bed to go comfort Katniss.  I touch her gently to ease her awake and I try not to scare her even more. She wakes up, the look of terror in her eyes as she looks at me. I crawl into her bed and just hold her. It's been a while since I've held her like this, and I've missed it a lot. I stroke her hair as she cries into my chest.

The sobbing quiets as she drifts back off to sleep. I lay her down and wrap my arms around her in an effort to protect her. I think about how beautiful and innocent she looks as she sleeps. Thinking brings a wave of drowsiness. I eventually drift off to sleep awaiting my own set of nightmares.

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