Finally Finding

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It was a cold winter night when i was walking through the home. They think were all crazy they think were all the same but in reality i'm not the crazy,  i went through depression and that's when they thought i was crazy. And with that i ment my ''parents''. I know the thruth well... half of it. I know they're not ''really'' my parents but honestly i don't know who my real parents are. And i have been in this crazy house for 3 years now...

My name is Lyric a girl that lives in a house for crazy people because i went through depression. Because of them my ''parents'' Oh please i'm 15 like i know nothing.

I got my depression because i just needed to know who my real parents were who the people were that gave me life. And it was just eating me from inside, and one time i asked who my real parents were  and let's just say i woudn't ask again. But that happend 3 years ago before i was in this hell howl or as other people like to call it ''Quite Waters The house for the underaged specials'' specials oh please...

As i was walking through the big building that probably held less then 100 people, i could hear people talking. 

It was June

June was probably the only one i could really talk to the only one that knew i wasn't crazy i told her my story and only her.

''We have to tell her, she deserves to know!'' I could hear June yell

''Keep your voice down the children are sleeping'' Was that Walter?

Walter was the big boss or as i like to call him just a simple word ''Devil'' For some reason he didn't like me but i mean he liked no one but for some reason i have a feeling he has this special place in his dark dark heart to torture me. He gives me food and all, atleast sometimes but i mean the death glares. He one time even spit on me and alot of more stuff...

''Well Lyric deserves to know!'' I heard June scream

Wait they were talking about me? I decided to keep my ear against the door to hear what they were saying.

''No she already wants to die and show her this gives her hope in here little awful ''life''. I heard Walter say Pff... Scumbag...

''Don't you dare talk about her like that'' I could hear June say again then i heard something loud like a slapp... HE SLAPPED JUNE! 

''Don't you dare touch her!'' I yelled while running into the room and dragging June behind me

''What are you doing up! Get back to your room!'' Walter yelled

''Well you were the ones screaming and i coudn't sleep because i didn't have diner tonight because you didn't tell me so! And if i was you i can call Police on you right now!'' I screamed

He just stayed quite

I walked to the other corner in the room.

''And what were you actualy talking about and most importantly why about me?'' I simply asked them.

Hey so let me know if you want to to read more of this story in the comment thank you bye! xxx- Mounia

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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