One Direction Awards Winners - December 2013

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We know, we know. It's well into January/February(What? Oops.) and we're just now posting the winners book. We're very very very sorry for the delay, it's just been incredibly crazy because of holidays and new classes and blah blah excuses. Just wanted to let you know that we didn't forget about you and we should be back on track! (:

This is the book of winners!

Like most, this month we will have prizes for the winners, so if you made it this far, you get something :)

Here are the prizes:

3rd (and in some cases 4th)  Place: shoutout plus a vote on the first chapter of your book

2nd Place: shoutout plus a vote from us on the first five chapters of your book (or whatever's there)

1st Place: a shoutout on our personals, a vote and read on all of the chapters of the book, entry into the Hall of Fame, plus an interview.


One Direction Awards Winners - December 2013Where stories live. Discover now