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Chapter 1

Ever been left with a secret your not supposed to tell, but you can't help the erg to tell someone?

Selena Mcathers was that girl that left everyone speechless. She'll just dump a huge secret on you then leave. She always made sure that there's more than one victim to take the blame.

Last summer changed everything and now I'm left to lie-

"Darling! Now don't start spilling all of our secrets into that little crap book" Selena said.

"Oh sorry. I swear no one will find it" I said back and shoved the book under my pillow. In my door stood the blonde haired beauty queen Selena Mcathers.

She walked around my room looking at all my little things. Then she picked up my snow globe of New York.

"But if someone does get a hold of that, we'll be in big trouble" she said.

Selena made sure she wasn't the only one to blame. But she wasn't that type of girl you can just ditch. She was one of the most popular girls in school. She isn't the nicest one either. Take Lucy for example, she and Selena used to be best friends. Then something happened between them and now Selena makes life horrible for Lucy.

"Lauren! Come on your still in your pjs and we gotta go to school. You may think your fabulous, but not enough to wear your pjs to school. Haha your not exactly the next top model" she said.

Selena was also good at bringing your self esteem down.

She had a perfect body, she was slim and curvy. She has a glowing olive skin colour with a light tan. Her eyes were ice blue and her hair was the perfect mix between blonde and light brown. She was the perfect girl.

I went into my closet to find an outfit but instead I found a pair of shoes that weren't mine. Judging by the rusty stains and dirty laces I guessed it wasn't Selena's either, which meant she took them from someone. I just glanced at her while she studied the shoes. "Ok whose ever these are I don't want them in my closet. Go give them to your brother or something" I told her then tossed them behind me onto the floor.

Then she smirked. "Well dummy why would I give them back to him?" she asked.

Oh, so its her brothers. Had she expected me to find it and return it to her brother? Last summer I accidentally spilled out that I had a crush on her older brother Terry. Now she won't leave me alone about it. She keeps swearing that he'll find out and she swore to embarrass me in front of him if I didn't tell him the truth.

But the truth is I don't like him anymore and it was just a little crush, but Selena doesn't see it that way. She always has a bit of dirt on everyone. She knows everyone's secret, I bet you that she's already blackmailing the new kid that moved onto her street. Then Selena started tapping her foot on the hard wood floor. "Could you hurry up? I got other engagements to attend" she said as if she had no time to visit her Best Friend.

But yea that was me. Not known as Lauren Frey, but known as Selena Mcathers best friend.

I finally found an outfit and then turned around to show Selena to see if she approved. But she was standing in the door way of my room, ready to spring out and dash down the hallway.

"Duty calls darling" she said then skipped out of my room and down the hall. I've always wondered where she headed off too, she never told me no one knew. It was also weird how she always knew where I was, she knew what I was doing and the exact time. Me on the other hand I had no clue where she could be, I could find her at the library then the next hour she was at a wrestling match. She defiantly liked to keep people curious in her. Every guy wanted her and every girl wanted to be her.

I started to leave my room when I noticed the shoes were still laying on the new hard wood floor. I quickly grabbed them and stuffed then under my bed, if my mom found them she would get the wrong idea of why I had them.

I scrambled down the stairs and went into the kitchen to grab my lunch. As soon as my mom saw me she put down the newspaper and stood up to greet me.

"Aw look at you! You finally decided to let your hair down" she says while fiddling with my hair. She starts twisting it between her fingers when I finally had enough hair touching.

I pulled back "Okay that's enough" I said. She looks at the door then back at me. "Selena was here earlier did she say hi?" my mom asked.

I just nodded. She just looked at me like I was lying.

"Well I'm going to be late for school" I say while I hug my mom. Then she leans in for a smooch on my check but I move away quickly, so I don't end up with a red stain on my face.

I walked to school and got there a few minutes later, I entered the school and found Lucy leaning on my locker biting her hair. I quickly scan the hallways to make sure Selena isn't around.

"What are you doing here?! If Selena sees you talking to me she will kill you" I said whispering.

Lucy continues to chew on her hair and looks up at me like who the f cares.

"No one has seen her this morning and I need to show you something" she said while pulling her phone out. She unlocked it and shoved it in my face while she clicked play. The video was of Selena she looked like she was at a party but I didn't recognize anyone else in the video. She was drinking and 3 older guys were surrounding her, drooling over her while pouring beer on their faces.

She laughs at a joke and some beer leaks out of her mouth. "You guys are w-wayyy more fun to hang out with then my friend" she laughs some more.

"She's so annoying and boring through, you can't have fun with her she plays by the rules" she said, a tight knot formed in my stomach. She was talking about me.

"hey we, we should go out sometime ha go on an adventure! Maybe even kill some people I hate, but that would take allllll night and I have to go back soon" she said and pouted.

"I swear I'm going to kill her when I get back, put her out of her misery. Wish me luck!" she said then skipped off into the darkness then the video ended. Lucy took her phone back and stared at me in silence. This couldn't be happening to me, Selena can't be finished with me. Then I'd become the new Lucy where every Thursday afternoon I'd get humiliated in front of the whole school. Every Thursday the whole school has lunch in the cafeteria, the principle made a few announcements and Selena some how found a way to make fun of Lucy in front of everyone.

Anyways how did Lucy get this video? I tried looking up at her hiding my tears. "Where. Uh, how did you get this video?" I asked.

She just shook her head. "This was sent to the whole school, the whole video of her trash talking you. I didn't even show you the full video, there's more and its a lot worse" I tried to calm down after what I had heard. I felt a warm tear rush down my cheek, I pulled my sleeve up and wiped it away then ran towards the washroom. Just before I turned the corner I saw Selena enter the school with all her glory but no one turned to look at her or say hi. She turned to the right to say Hello to her boyfriend Tyler but he didn't notice, but what I noticed was a big dark scar on her head with blood spilling out.



Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Liars if you have any questions about the story line just ask :) If you liked it Comment Vote and Follow me! I will try and update frequently

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