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  • Dedicated to the person who Eva really is!!!

😌Da Prologue😌

Dear Eva,

                    It’s Ashleigh (but from now on I’m Ash, I mean, everyone knows that!!) here. You probably don’t know I’m writing to you, or for certain I should change it to. My friends don’t even know I’m writing to you, some think it’s a code name and other believe its someone from school. But that’s just what I want, as long as no answers are revealed, I’m secure! 

            I don’t really know how to write to you, whether pouring all my emotions down on a page or giving you hints towards my life. I’m pretty damn sure that if someone catches me, I don’t want to have to be the one explaining.

            Eva, to me you’re a girl, a special girl that I wish were my own friend.

To you, I’m Ash the girl who likes to dye her hair in the Music practice rooms. That probably puts you of, but if people don’t accept me for who I am, pah, I’m not interested. You always walk around with your cool gang, the old girls, and the ones with extensions. Maybe, if one day you decide to come and find me, I’ll be waiting, purple frizzy hair and all.

Sometimes people tease me. I like a bit of attention sometimes (greedy I know) but sometimes I feel like a plastic bag (pun intended (: ). They cant stop teasing me about things that I hate, things that I wish hadn’t happened. In Tap Class, the Girls often tease me about being a whore, lesbian, a guy and sometimes being a disgusting hump found on the street. I’m not lying. There’s this one girl who’s nice, she’s called Arianna-Clarissa. She’s my best friend. Autumn does Tap as well and we hang around as close as possible, but when they leave, and I stay behind for extra practice, the girls are there, ready to take action.

At school, its much better, they tend to steal my stuff and hide it in lockers, but among all that, my BFF’s and I have some fun. 

When I get home, my parents are always away (except Monday and Friday, conveniently those days are tap class :p) so I spend the time on my laptop, or listening to music on my radio. Sometimes, when Saffron comes round, we listen to music. I love to read, and I hope you do to. Sometimes, when I read stories it reminds me of Carter, and you, they always seem to be able to describe perfectly the popularity of the girl, but how she never overdoes it in front of the character ( in this case, its me). The thing I love about the romances is that it always starts out one-sided. The girl loves the boy, or vice versa. It takes time for them both to get together, but when they do, its always perfect.

That’s why it remimds me of Carter. You won’t know who he is (yes, for once in my life I said he!!!) but honestly, he the weirdest guy in the world, always joking with me (in a nice way) and  kind to his friends. I don’t think he has a clue I have a slight crush on him, but that’s good, cause it’d  have been awkward. He has beautiful brown locks, not as long as the devil that is Harry Styles ( I HATE 1D) but not as short as a normal boys hair. They fit into his head when he stands up, but when Tap dancing (yes he dances in the same class, brillllllll!), his messy locks collapse up and down from the movement. He has chocolate brown eyes and a slight olive tan. His voice is still quite young and he’s 13 (a year younger than me). He just broke up with his ‘girlfriend’ (or so I like to call because come on, you can’t have a serious relationship at 13, (when they got together)), but he seems as happy as ever.

One of his ‘best mates’ from school who also Tap’s at Royal School of Tap and Modern Dancing for the Gifted and the Young (extremely horrible name for a dance school ): ) is called Ashton. HE ANNOYS ME SO MUCH, FRICK HIM!!! But the problem is, he so obviously crushes on me (but that comes to no surprise to me because come on, who wouldn’t (: ).

Oh my gosh! Did I just spend my first letter describing my love life! God, I suck! Well until next time Eva!

-       Ashleigh Jaya 14/01/14

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