Chapter 1 The Beginning for Fynn

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Fynn quickly walked through the library, trying to look inconspicuous. The talk book stacks would help hide his tall, brawny physic from the ones that were looking for him. Fynn, was a still pretty young, only 24, tall and tuffs of dirty blonde hair. He looked more like a surfer, which worried him right now. He did not really fit in a library, his look was more suited to out surfing some gnarly waves. But right now that didn’t matter. He was trying to get away, and kept looking behind him to make sure no one was following him when he bumped into someone.

Fynn's first reaction was to prepare to defend himself, but what he heard, made him freeze in a stupor.

He slowly looked up and what he saw made his knees week.  What was happening to him.  He was a tuff guy trying to get away and at this moment he was frozen.  Because of a Girl!

But not just any girl.  This was an angel.  It looked like the world had stopped for her, so that he would notice her.  She also looked like she was in a stupor too, because she dropped the books that were in her arms.  The world came crashing back as the books hit the floor.

"Oh, I'm so suarry!" Fynn said in a deep Scottish accent. He quickly bent to the floor to pick up the books, and couldn't help but read the titles of the books. Elementary Principles Of Chemical Processes, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, and some note books; that appeared to be full of scribbles that he didn't understand; she must be a college student.

She also bent down.  He could smell the her flowery shampoo that was wafting off her pixie short red hair.  He looked up to hand her.  As he handed her the books, he wanted to freeze again.  Her green eye peeked through her fair white skin; that was doted with freckles. Fynn felt that he could trace the constellations on her flawless skin.

A loud crash came from behind him.  It looked like someone had knocked over a stack of books on a table. He snapped back into action, before he could say another word to her, he was back up, and was off again.  The look on her face, was of disappointment, but  he couldn't stay.  He needed to get out of there. The risk of being found was immeasurable.

He pushed through the double doors of the library, and was instantaneously bathed in the hot spring sun, but this didn't stop him.  Even though the sun made him squint, he was quick to grab his sun glasses and keep on going, as he walked towards the road in front of the library. 

A car black Ford Mustang screeched up to the curb.  It looked just it had just driven off a new car dealer lot. Flynn didn't hesitate and walked right up to it and popped open the newly polished door and hopped right in. 

"You are late." stated a beautifully tan, young woman. Her long ebony black hair was wafting in the air, towards the back of the car and over her exposed arms and partially draping around a dark blue summer dress that came above her bronze knees.  He could see that her face was scrunched up; hiding what he knew were large brown eyes and an extremely thin lips. She started to close the tinted windows, and never said another word.

Flynn, took it for what it was.  That red head, green eyed girl's face was still burned into his head. He couldn't shake the image from his mind, and he tried.

"Did you get it?" requested the beautiful woman in a deep silky voice.  He started to search his cargo pants, when he realized that he had a book in his hand still. The girls back at the library book.  He must have ran off with it when he heard the crashing.

"Hello!? What is wrong with you?!" shouted the woman.  Flynn, finally snapped out of it and grabbed the geek stick from his pocket, and threw it on the dashboard of the car. 

"Good.  Now we need to go see Him." she stated, as they sped up to the Capital Belt Way.

{{{{{To be continued. . . sorry to cut it short, but I got a great idea for Elders of Emore and just had to get it out of my brain before I may forget.  Watch for updates}}}}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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