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The countess and Ramona had a rough past, the countess had killed her past lovers boyfriend out of jealousy. Which caused her to lose the one she loved forever. She regretted it every single day so much that she even considered finding her and apologising but she figured it would be too late. If the countess could she would take that night back entirely. She wouldn't have killed that useless man, and she defiantly would've fought harder to keep her beloved. But yet she can't for it has already happened and she just wants another chance with her love. So she went searching high and low until someone spoke of where she was. Then finally someone spoke of her and she she was excited. Until she learn she was in a witches coven, you see vampires and witches have never gotten along well at all. But allas she would do anything to get her love back so she started the journey. What a long tiring journey it was but it was worth she knocked at the door and waited for someone to answer. Then this women answered she looked to be in her 50s but she had exquisite taste.
"Hello, what can I do for you sweet child?" She asked in a stiff voice.
"I'm looking for Ramona Royale do you know her by chance?" I asked I'm a hurried voice.
"Why yes of course, come in may I ask your name so I can tell her you're here?" She asked with a stiff smile.
"Yes of course I'm Elizabeth Johnson." I said giving her a slight smile.
"Well yes come sit dear you must be tired from the trip here." She said nicely. I sit down and wait for the beauty that is ramona to walk through the doorway. When she finally did she noticed how more beautiful she looks and blushed slightly.
"Well look what the cat dragged in." Ramona said rolling her eyes.
"Before you say anything else I just want to say something give me 10 minutes, please." I pleaded and she huffed and played with her manicured nails.
"Go ahead, 10 minutes." She said and looked her in the eyes.
"I want you to know that I am so sorry for what I did I did it out of complete jealousy and I admit it wasn't my finest hour I wanted you for myself I still do I want you more than anything you where the first one I cared about female wise and that is big for me and I am so sorry it took me this long to figure that out. I am such an idiot for letting you walk away and yes you deserve more than me but if you let me I'll make you trust me again." I said and I realized that I was rambling and I blushed like hell. She was quiet for what seemed like an hour then she said.
"Took you long enough." Then they kissed deeply, they went back to the hotel and made love till the next morning and it was the most erotic thing Elizabeth has ever experienced in her life. They spent the rest of the day cuddling and they fell asleep in each others arms holding onto each other tightly as if they where afraid that if they let go the other would be gone and it would be just a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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