chapter 1

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By the hostile tone of Mr. Hubernacker’s voice, I knew that the tenth grade probably wouldn’t be much improvement from the ninth. I already hated everything about this guy; his yellowed teeth, the banners of bland quotes from ancient authors plastered on his walls, the way he cleared his throat between pretty much every sentence he said, and even the suspicious odor that lingered in any area he set foot in.After he mispronounced Sara’s strange last name, buchaiklaha, my respect for him lessened even more. Fifteen mispronounced last names later, some one started pounding on the door. Mr. Hubernacker sighed and unlocked the door to let in the misfortunate boy. I assumed it was Eric, they had the same blond flippy hair and wore band tees from non-existent bands, but with a closer look, I could see some variations.This guy had a more angular face, with a defined jawline, where as Eric was a bit baby-faced, This mysterious lad also had blue eyes, instead of green. This must’ve been a new kid.

            When Mr. Hubernacker finishd lecturing the poor guy about the importance of being on time, I studied him a bit more. He was different from most guys, he nodded at everything the teacher said as if it were the most important thing he would ever hear, instead of rolling his eyes like the typical teenager. He also managed to maintain eye contact with the cold gray stares sent from Mr. Hubernacker. Soon Mr. H-something ended his lecture and asked him to introduce himself to the class. His name was Dylan Ruckery and he apparently enjoyed skateboarding and writing poetry. If you ask me, it seemed like a peculiar combination. As we were heading to our next class I invited him to sit with me and my friends at lunch, I mean he seemed like a decent person, and we’re not exactly an exclusive group of people.

            Sure enough, at lunch Dylan joined us after I got all my friends to participate in waving like a maniac so he could spot us through the clusters of students in the crowded cafeteria. He slide in to a seat across from me and ripped open his milk carton. He chugged about half of it before placing it back on his tray. He started making some small talk with Theo who was in many of his classes, apparently. When Sara apologized to him about Mr. Hubernacker and promised the rest of the school was better, he transformed from the goody-two-shoes I believed him to be to a total rebel. He used every insult on Mr.Hubernacker in the book, I almost thought he was cheating. We all hysterically laughed as he denounced Mr H, by the time the bell rung, we all had sent unspoken signals of approval of him to each other, and I concluded he would be a permanent fixture at our lunch table.

            As Dylan was exiting the dining hall I rushed up to him to ask him which class he had next, you could get lost at this school, so maybe I could give him some direction. He fished around for his schedule and scanned the paper for a second until he gave up trying to read it and handed it to me. I spotted that his next class would be Drama with Ms. Falky, and it rushed back to me that I had that class today, too. I asked him if he’d like me to walk with him to drama or if he thinks he can find his way through the maze of a school, he agreed to follow me there.On our way to Drama I warned him that she is very, free-spirited, but the nicest teacher in all of Peterson academy.

            Ms. Falky decided to start off the year with a trust activity, which wasn’t exactly my favorite thing to do, but more tolerable than learning about stage crew. Claire asked me to be her partner, but seeing Dylan wander around like a lost puppy, then seeing the school skank, Tracie, heading toward him, I decided to save him and his virginity by asking him to be my partner before Tracie could lay a hand on him. He first blindfolded me and walked me around the stage cluttered with obstacles Ms Falky creatively placed. There were chairs stacked six feet tall, a treasure chest in the middle of the stage, jacks thrown here and there, and even bags of sand stolen from the back stage pulleys.

            After tripping over the chairs three times in a row and a storm of laughter from Dylan and the rest of the class I threatened him. “Dylan, I swear, if you run me in to anything else, I will climb through your window at night, chop your balls off and then bake them in to a pie which I will then feed you.” After a second, he was quiet so I thought it came out to mean and I started to un tie my blindfold, then he fell on to the floor and nearly drowned in his own sea of laughter. I started erupting with giggles too, and then everyone in the room joined in, including Ms. Falky.

            Abruptly the bell rung and interrupted our meditation that Ms. Falky required everyone to do at the end of each class. The exact second we crossed the line between the auditorium and the hall, Dylan exploded with bottled up opinions, “Dude,If she is what you call “free spirited”, then what is a hippie to you?!” “I didn’t want to give you a bad impression of her but, yeah, that’s what everyone thinks, especially on your first day, but you’ll adjust,” I explained to Dylan. I said my farewell to him because I already knew from his schedule that he had Mrs. Campbell for Science and I had Mr. Lenardy for Social studies. I reminded him that he had Mrs. Campbell, and we departed after a tiny wave.

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