The Kaiser

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"Let me tell you something Kasier," the doll faced boy addressed The Kasier, Emporer Wilhelm II of  Germany, with such disrespect that he could almost be counted as brave... almost. Indeed, his words would have been counted almost noble, if he hadn't been a mere prisoner of war screaming at such an important leader. "I've seen war, and it never changes." The boy continued. "War. Murder. Death; they're always the same, and this war, your, "War to End All Wars" will be no different." 
     "And what does a young boy like you know about war?" The Kaiser scoffed, his pinched German accent thickening his words. "You can't be more than twenty yearz of age. A mere boy. Boyz like you don't know anyzing of great warz."
     "I've seen war unlike you -----." The boy shouted. One of the guards restraining him, suddenly brought  the butt of a rifle down roughly over the young man's head, causing the boy to stagger and fall to his knees. Blood dripped from his lips, and the Kaiser sneered.
    "Watch your language solider boy." The enemy  solider barked.
    "You think this ------- war of yours will really end anything?" The boy continued on, cursing again, his words slightly muddled by the blood now gushing from an unseen wound. "You know nothing you ---- of a ------- ----!" The solider knocked him over the head once more and the boy nearly fainted, but somehow- swaying dangerous- managed to stay upright. "You truly believe this war will win you greatness? You think this war is anything special?" The boy snorted, clearly mental. "You're ------ wrong. This war will just go down in the books as yet another war with thousands of innocent lives wasted. I bet you, you -------,  won't even be remembered by history. No one will even know your ------- name after this war is over! You're exactly  like other power-lusting men before you. You're nothing special. No one will even remember you once you're good and dead." The boy paused. A new fire swept into his blazing eyes. "In fact the only thing that makes you special is your lack of courage. You use innocent boys as pawns in wars you create for your own ------ self!".
     The Kasier stared at the boy for a moment, a flash of vivid anger contorted across his face, before the skillful calm facade returned.
    "Kill him." Wilhelm II dismissed with a distasteful wave of his hand. "Take him away and kill him."
     The boy screamed suddenly, as two soldiers yanked him up and drug him out of the room. All the way down the long hall, his frantic screams and desperate wails echoed, growing fainter and fainter.  
Wilhelm listened closely as the short cry of a boy, forced into manhood too soon, was cut short by a soft bang, before he turned back to his world map. Wilhelm II traced his finger across the large map, stoping occasionally to mark a city he'd already conquered, or to plot a point in which he would soon strike. All the while, he felt no regret for the loss of the young soldier boy's life, however the boy's words continued to echo in his mind. Kaiser did agree with the boy, this was all a huge, strategic game of  world-wide chess, where young men were used as pawns for their great, powerful leader's sake, but Wilhelm II had played chess many a-time,  and he knew that pawns had to be sacrificed for their king on occasions in order to win the game. In fact, the more  Wilhelm II thought about the young man's words, the more he agreed; indeed, the only thing Kasier didn't agree with was the history part. Because Emperor Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany would certainly go down in history as one of the greatest figures in the great War to End All Wars.

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