Chapter One: Unknown Territory

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So as a warning, my spelling sucks so if there are any mistakes I am very sorry, I will eventually buy a dictionary or something. I hope you like this, if you do, please vote and leave a comment, Thanks :)

~The Idiot Ninja

"Who are you?" You shouted, sinking into the corner of the small white room, clutching at a few injuries which were wrapped in tight bandaged.

"(Name), its me Hotaru." Said a red headed female, her hair flowing down to her hips, her eyes a deadly hollow black, her skin like porcelain."You don't remember you?" She added with a heartbroken expression.

She slowly turned around You noticed the simple school uniform, which consisted of a plain white short sleeved shirt, a green tie, a short dark green plaited skirt and knee high socks, that she was wearing. You peered down at your self and realized you wore the exact same outfit.

"Remember, please." Was all she said before leaving you alone on the small room.

The walls were tiled white, as was the floor. A small window was located on your right, unfortunately too small for you to climb through. The door was an off white with a squared panel of glass in it. Slightly to your left was a hospital styled bed, you had woken up here, unsure on where you were or who the red headed girl was as she was staring at you.

There was only three things you were certain on. That your name was (F/Name) (L/Name), a Blood Mage. You were raised to kill.


CRACK! The whip went as it was pulled down and collided with the scarred skin on your back.

"Show no mercy to your victims." Bellowed the darkened figure as he swung his arm down.

CRACK! The whip went again.

"Show no pain!" He shouted as he once again whipped your back.

You winced slightly. You had grown used to this treatment. Ever since you could walk you had been trained and disciplined by the underlords pawn pieces.

~End Of Flashback~

You looked around frantically, hoping to find something to use as a weapon or or even someway out of this place. Just as you were about to pull on the door, it opened, slamming straight into your cheek. On top of that, someone was on top of you. You looked up to see who it was, you saw a petite girl with dark purple hair and big crystal blue eyes. Her cheeks turned red as she swiftly got off of you and stood next to were you laying on the cold floor. Slowly, you got up to your feet, being very cautious around this new female. Just like you and Hotaru, she wore the same clothing.

"(Nickname), you're awake. Yay!" She cheered, jumping around on the spot for a while.

"Who the hell are you?" You asked bluntly.

"Humph. I'm Misaki, one of your best friends, silly." She giggled.

'Best friend. I have a best friend. How could this happen, I'm a murderer, a monster.' You thought repeatedly to yourself.

You stared into her eyes, making her feel uneasy and possibly slightly scared of you. That's the way you wanted it.

"Oh." You muttered, barely loud enough for the rather small girl to hear.

You moved away from her, back over to the door. Your hand rested upon the door handle, preparing to open it and disappear.

"Where are you going (Name)?" She asked you curiously.

"I need to get out of here. I don't exactly remember anything. If you don't help me leave, bad things will happen." You spoke in a dark voice, hoping she would understand what you were saying.

Instead of her offering ideas of your escape, she broke into hysterical laughter, holding onto her stomach tightly.

"Seriously (Name). You wouldn't hurt me, we're best friends. Plus I know your weakness." She sang cheerfully.

You stared at her questionably as she grinned mischievously in return. Before you had the chance to react of even think about reacting, Misaki reached out and began to tickle you. You doubled over, chuckling slightly as her slender little fingers dug into your side and wiggled around, hitting your ticklish spots.

"S-St-Stop!" You managed giggling girlishly.

She retracted her hands as you covered your mouth with your hands, gasping at the sound you let out.

"So you don't remember anything?" Misaki asked you.

You vigorously shook your head.

"Well, want me to fill you in." She offered.

You knew you weren't getting anywhere quickly and you were rather curious on the life you had led for the past ten years. Carefully, she began to explain about your unknown past.

"You lived with a guy called Ryuu from the age of 5 to about the age of 9. Something had happened to him and you went on living on your own for a few years. Eventually you found this school and enrolled. Here you met, me, Hotaru, Akemi and Kimiko, as well as many others. All the guys are after you, you know. Anyway, a few months ago, you decided you was going to go after Hotaru's dad...Satan. You believed you were strong enough but he beat  the crap outta you. Then we found you knocked out and then we brought you back here where you have been recovering for the past few months." As she finished speaking, an expression of disbelief spread across your face.

'I went against Satan? Wait, Hotaru is his daughter? The one I was trained to kill? What the hell has happened? Why hadn't I killed her? No wonder he beat the crap outta me, I was meant to obey his orders exactly and I end up becoming her best goddamn friend. What the hell is wrong with me?!'

The sound of footsteps could be heard growing closer to the room you were stood in. you backed away slightly.

"Don't worry. It's just Vincent." Misaki murmured.

"Who is that?" You asked her at the exact same time as the door swung open.

The small girl let out a little squeal as he figure in the door stared at you fiercely. He stood at about 6' tall, his dark crimson eyes, making his glare even deathly. The fringe of his long black hair emerging over a red bandanna. He wore a red cloak, which was held in place over his shoulders and lower face by several buckles. Underneath the cape, his attire was black with several straps and buckles. A holster was worn for his gun against his right leg, and pointed sabatons on his feet.

"(Name)." He spoke simply.

You blankly stared at him, as the room grew quiet.

"Please excuse me." You muttered, pushing past the tall male in front of you, getting out into a corridor. Curiosity filled your mind as you began to wander around aimlessly. Doors passed by as your pace quickened, escaping from the shouts of your name from Misaki.

"What the hell have I done with my life?" You asked yourself.

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