The: Perfect Model- Prologue

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  • Dedicated to the reader, its all for you

You know last night, if truth be told, got me thinking, I don't know if it was the fact that I was drunk or I was going crazy. And trust me, between the noises of the party my friends had thrown for me at the Kara-Bee, a local karaoke bar. Oh, and those fancy cars that revved their engines, in the otherwise perfectly silent night. Did not help my cause, I really could have gone insane...A-holes...

The karaoke bar, I was in was a big hot spot for most of my "friends", I personally had never been to Kara- Bee before so when I came here to rent out this karaoke bar I just asked for there biggest room. And it was big, hundreds of those florescent lights that made white clothing glow hung over the dim lit, over sized room. The karaoke stage was equipped with working lights that flicker on and off depending on the beat of the music. The night of my party was the first time I saw the Kara-Bees' karaoke bars, they where nice and came with a full bar and server. During the party I spent most of my time at the bar. I'm not an alcoholic or anything I just love my wine. The bar was spinning around me so I sat down.

"Hey Olivia..." i half mumbled as i sat down on a the closest seat to me. Sitting on the seat next to me was my best friend, my roommate, and my life saver Olivia an exchange student who majored in art history, she was from a small island south of India, she is suppose to be supper smart so I had no idea why she ever even wanted to hang around with me on my birthday when she knows all I was going to do was sit around and drink, play childish games like The King Game, Oh, and sing horrible versions of Shania Twain, that singer who sings "I Fell Like A Woman." I looked over at Olivia out of the corner of my eye, slightly waving a little bit.

"Ellie! hey, how do you like the party?" she smiled back.

Olivia is an attractive woman with a long neck and snake-like way to her walk, and it was the first thing you would notice about her, the way she walked. It was unusual, weird Yet it was beautiful all at the same time. Her sholder lengthe straight jet black hair swayed back and forth every time she walked, to be truthful, if I could dress her every day she would look like an Indi goddess, no lie. And who she was matched the way she walked completely. She was an Unusual, Weird and beautiful person all at the same time. She was Olivia. And she was with her Fiancé Mike. They had just gotten engaged last night and the air around her and her Fiancé, buzzed with the romantic feeling and the sense that they didn't care who was in the room. Even if it was the whole world watching they were going to let every body know just how happy they where together.

"Great, thanks so much for throwing this for me," i motioned around me to the party, i didnt want to seem ungreatful, even though this was not my scene my few real friends that i did have always went to the exstreme to make sure i was happy, and i was greatful for that.. just as i finished my last silible, mike planted a kiss right on her lips and all of her attention went straight to him.

I sighed heavily, I hade to get out of here, I mean I am grateful to everybody who showed up and they are all pretty much nice people but, truthfully I wanted to go back to Olivia's and sleep. I didn't even know most of the people in this room, they where all from a program at the collage Olivia attended, and I crashed lived with her in, It was an exchange student collage for Asian decent -American student's top of their class, who wanted to study fine arts In Japan, who didn't know any other language but their native tongue, I was "part of that group" and at least to an extent I was.

The extent for me ended at me at, one not being top of my class, because I dropped out...

And two, being able to speak Japanese fluidly, my mother is full Japanese and my father was half American half Pilipino, my dad was born in the states and mother in Japan. But I was part of the group in the way because I was once also an American-Asian exchange student who wanted to study fine arts in Japan. I wanted to Model. Once my mother had told me high fashion was my passion. When I first moved here I was sixteen and staying at a modeling boarding school, but then I quit the school, three weeks after my seventeenth birthday, back things went all wrong.

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