Through the Walls (NovaHD)

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Through the Walls

Chapter One

Aleks's movements were frantic and sloppy.

One hand pumping his cock furiously and the other tweaking a pert nipple. A loud moan being pulled from his lips as he drug his thumb over the leaking slit.

He was laying on his bed, in the dark, supposed to be getting sleep since he and James had to record early in the morning, but Aleks had had this "problem," for that past few weeks or so. He'd try to just fall asleep like any normal person, but before he knew it, he was raging hard. Not even a cold shower would rid him of his problem, the only solution a quick wank that left him unsatisfied.

The Russian felt the familiar coil in his abdomen and sped up his pace, shoving his knuckles into his mouth to keep quiet.

"Ah! Mmm..." A sticky substance coated his hand and the tattooed man sighed. There it was, he thought. That somehow disappointing feeling like jerking it wasn't enough to assuage his needs.

"Fuck it." He muttered, cleaning his hand on a tissue and tossing it to the ground.

The glow of his alarm clock glared at him, and Aleks rolled over onto his side pulling the covers with him, hoping that now he'd be able to get some sleep.


James was horrified and oddly turned on.

He was laying in bed, focusing on the sounds around him to fall asleep. He'd heard that by listing the things you felt, smelled and heard were good tips to fall asleep when your mind wouldn't slow down.


His brown eyes snapped open and he cursed his acute hearing.

This had been happening every night for the past few weeks. James's room was located right next to Alek's and now James was beginning to regret picking this particular room. Even if it had a bathroom attached.

"Goddamnit, Aleks."

As much as the youtuber tried to deny it, his body reacted to the moans and gasps he heard through the walls. Before he had time to process what he was doing, he palmed his erection through the grey boxers he wore.

Nova hissed as his hips bucked forward on their own accord. His fingers dipped into his boxers, taking ahold of his manhood and gave it a few firm strokes.

Much like the man in the other room, James's goal was simply release. To get it out of his system and catch some shut eye.

"Ah! Mmm..."

The muffled moan traveled through the walls and James released a groan as he reached climax, his chest rising and falling harshly as he took uneven breaths.

"Fuck it."

Nova rolled his eyes and tossed his cum soaked boxers to the floor. Tomorrow it would be the same as always. Aleks didn't need to know that James could hear everything that happened in the tattooed man's room.

Besides, it's not like James could control how his body reacted to hearing someone masturbate. It was only natural, after all.

With that final thought in mind, the brown eyed man drifted off to sleep.

AN: For the sake of convenience, all the Creatures live together. Based off a Tuesday live stream with Immortal and Nova.


"Where the fuck is that noise coming from?!" -nova

"Wow, you must have really good hearing because my headphones are all the way over there."-immortal

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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